I know that sounds Clintonist, but there is a huge range of people who see themselves as middle class. There is no agreed upon definition. Also, is upper middle class part of middle class - in NJ, upper middle class includes people who make well over $100,000. Even if her dad was an executive in a small textile company, he could have brought home no more than a middle manager in a large corporation. From her autobiography, they were not wealthy, but comfortable.
The truth is that neither she nor Bill were wealthy until they wrote their books. He was one of the poorest Presidents and, for most of his/her lives didn't own a house. John Edwards dad was a mill foreman and he was poorer, but does that really matter? By the time he was in his mid twenties, he was married and they were a 2 attourney family. (as were the Clintons). They made a huge amount of money, did little or no pro bono work and by their 30s were millionaires.
Hillary was at least as good a lawyer as Edwards, but living in Little Rock limited her earning potential and Bill Clinton had a very low salary as Governor. (This led to investments like the "cattle future" deal that over night turned (I think $5000) to $100,000) )
Hillary is playing politics, but so is John Edwards - both are saying they had to work to get where they are. That is true - but so did almost everyone else. Kerry worked harder to get to where he is politically than either - he was not someone mentored to get the Lt Governor, Senate seat, or the nomination. (Edwards had to work to get his Senate seat too. If Hillary were Hillary Smith, she would not have been the 2000 Democratic canddiate for Senate.) He also had very little positive media help.
Having worked in a large corporation, I understand that John Kerry's connections, even with no wealth behind him, were golden. If his goal were to become wealthy, those connections, his Yale diploma, his talent, and his war hero status would have made him the fastest fast tracker in any company. He didn't choose that. He actually had far less money than Edwards for most of his adult life. He is correct in not pointing to the fact that he was not wealthy, because his lack of income did affect his standing as one of the social elite. If he had ever had a finacial need, his family would have found a way to help.