I will add that it is becoming clearer to me that the Clinton's and inside the beltway never figured Kerry had a chance. They figured they would let him run, but wouldn't go out of their way to support him. Chances were he wasn't going to make it anyway. He surprised them with his finish and with his dedicated supporter base, so then they had to try and marginalize him, because his agenda wasn't really their agenda. It was always going to be Hillary in 08. I remember attending a meeting for new grassroots support in my area and members of the local Democrats were there, as well as a DNC representative. This was January 05 and the talk was not of Kerry, he had already been forgotten, it was of the Clinton's and Hillary. Kerry offered and still offers the promise of real change. But, he can not do it alone.Too many Democrats sit back and allow him to take the heat by himself without offering any defense.I refer to grassroots democrats here as well as elected ones. Too may Democrats are taken in by the Clinton machine and buy into the suggestion that only the Clinton's are electable. For me, the Clinton's offer more of the same politics with a D in front of their names instead of an R. I think Kerry could win, if he could get his message out their and reach the people. But, he needs good Democrats behind him, ones that really want change along with a win. A win is hollow if it doesn't bring the feeling of real accomplishment and change with it.But, for some nothing matters but that win. If he chooses not to run, he will certainly keep on doing what he is doing now, that's what makes Kerry special, but he will not, IMO, be given enough power to really effectively create change. The media will go back ignoring him as they tried to do after the 04 elections and the Clinton's and the Reid's will still pull the wool over the peoples eyes, claiming they are doing for the people when in fact, they are doing for themselves and their high paying donors. Anyway, I am proud to be a Kerrycrat. I am a Kerrycrat first and for most, and a Democrat after that. Senator Kerry is a unique individual deserving of more respect that the lot in Washington altogether. If he doesn't run, I will understand, every attack on him affects me, I can't imagine what it does to his family. And, one man should not have to take all this abuse alone and simply because he is trying to do the right things. I will emulate him, in the things I pursue and defend. But, this little taste of Washington has left a bitter taste in my mouth and a feeling that most of our party isn't interested in making things better, just gaining power, money and a win, which results in more of the same mediocre leadership and adds to the sad state of our country. I ask myself a lot lately, if we really are the country our forefathers intended us to be and if we really are the greatest country in the world. Our choice of leaders would seem to indicate otherwise. So, run Senator Kerry,run if you yourself want to do this.But always remember, that if you don't their are people like myself who are grateful for all your efforts to right the wrongs and fight to take our country forward.