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Nice LTE I found -- Kerry "A Quiet American"

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beachmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 04:45 PM
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Nice LTE I found -- Kerry "A Quiet American"

Polite American finished second

Friday, January 19, 2007

- Randy Wiebold, Jackson
In the last presidential election, John Kerry could have defended himself more vigorously but declined to stoop to the tactics of the Bush campaign.

Bush's campaign accused Kerry of being less than a soldier and that Kerry's opposition to the Vietnam War was less than patriotic.

The truth is that while Kerry was exposing himself to direct enemy fire from the banks of rivers in Vietnam, George Bush was defending the skies over the southeastern United States from those ground forces of the Viet Cong trudging through the jungles of western Vietnam.

Now, January 2007, the Democratic Party is accusing Kerry of losing the 2004 presidential election because he didn't behave as the Bush campaign did and retaliate with some mud slinging of his own. The Democratic Party is probably right about losing the election but Kerry can rest assured that he remains on the high ground, a polite candidate who finished second to a vicious mud-slinging Bush campaign.

Kerry is truly a quiet American who shouldn't be defamed for maintaining his high ground.

Randy Wiebold


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rox63 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 07:18 PM
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1. That was very nice!
Thanks for posting. :)

(who is cranky from too many hours spent in airports today)
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