from today's paper?
How fauxthentic is it?'s snarky. It's Boston - of
course it's snarky. :eyes:
I'd be curious to hear what others think. He gets a lot right here, though I obviously disagree with some of the Kerry stuff (the Band of Brothers thing escapes him entirely).
The beaverish and not unalluring John Edwards recently kicked off his presidential campaign with a series of "webisodes," long-form campaign commercials posted on the Internets . In webisode one, we read, "Senator Edwards talks about remaining authentic in the political world.
During the artfully scripted "behind the scenes" video, Edwards appears in an open-neck gingham shirt and blue jeans, complaining about the falseness of political life. "I've come to the personal conclusion that I want the country to see who I really am," he says. "I'd rather be successful or unsuccessful based on who I really am, not based on some plastic Ken doll that you put up in front of audiences. That's not me."
And so begins Campaign 2008: The quest for fauxthenticity...
...Our old friend John Kerry remains the most authentically tormented presidential candidate around. He's spent a lifetime running headlong from what he really is: a decent, ambitious, preppy Ivy Leaguer with a laudable record of public service. In 2004 , he morphed into NASCAR John, so eager to pose with a cam o jacket and hunting rifle that you half-expected to see Dick Cheney holding his grouse bag...