Something tells me that the McAuliffe did not endear himself to the MA media. (or is it Kerry's team's answer we are seeing?).
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Failed political operatives just keep bouncing back
The ability of some political strategists to bounce back from monumental campaign debacles is simply amazing.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is embracing ex-Democratic Party boss Terry McAuliffe, best known as the brains behind John F. Kerry’s disastrous presidential campaign, most of which was a rehash of the Vietnam War. That limp “reporting for duty” salute was not quite a Duke-in-the-Tank moment, but it was close.
Such operatives have a talent for squandering candidates’ political capital, but their true genius is their ability to convince them that the bungled campaigns were somebody else’s fault. Mr. McAuliffe, now on an extended book tour, is describing the Kerry campaign, which he himself ran, as “one of the biggest acts of political malpractice in the history of American politics.”
It’s as if the seats of power in Washington, D.C., are afflicted with mass amnesia. How else can one explain why, like Othello cozying up to Iago or Cleopatra clasping the asp to her breast, otherwise sensible-seeming candidates keep bringing such alleged campaign “experts” back into the fold?