Its been over a month since the election, but I still get chills whenever I see that video. I saw it the night of November 1st. I watched it again at 3:47 AM this morning and even now it inspired such a wave of optimism and hope once more. That short clip truly exemplifies what John Kerry stood for during the campaign: the American people. It showed what we all already know: that the man is willing to fight for us day in and day out, no matter what. As I watched the video of im standing in the middle of a rural community or a crowded town hall and speak from his heart to all Americans instilled in me a sense of sadness but also one of great admiration as well.
I truly miss seeing him and John Edwards daily on the TV. Luckily, I can find some solace in this wonderful group here at DU. Its such a refreshing oasis from the non-stop Kerry bashing and insane rants againt the DLC and the moderates in the GD.
I view myself as "militantly moderate", willing to defend my common sense and middle of the road position with passion and conviction. I believe that the Senator shares that same conviction. I'll admit that Kerry was an acquired taste, he didn't invoke much passion in me early on. But as I got to know the man during the campaign, I came to respect him deeply. The Senator was the first political candidate I ever voted for. I'm glad I did and will always support the man in whatever endeavors he chooses to pursue.
Kerry on my brothers and sisters, because we must continue to fight the good fight. As Senator Kerry said during his convention speech, "the sun is still rising". Hopefully, we will all be there as a new dawn shines anew for the future of America.