I find her just unimpressive. Good article in the Globe today about her triangulation tactics:
http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2007/01/23/08_campaign_draws_on_the_careful_clinton_centrism?mode=PF ...From her autobiography, "Living History," it's clear that her liberal reputation stems largely from the get-used-to-it attitude she developed as a woman pushing her way forward in Arkansas; feminism may be a dominant strain in her ideology, but so too is the Main Street conservatism of her beloved father, the owner of a drapery business who followed the Republican line on taxes and spending and self-reliance.
But however sincere she and Bill are in their moderation, their approach to governing is clearly designed to protect them from criticism. The best proof of the existence of the vast right-wing conspiracy is the extent of Bill's and Hillary's efforts to thwart it...
...After eight years of Bill Clinton's presidency, some Americans had grown tired of this song and dance. They yearned for a president who acted on his beliefs without hesitation. Now they're hoping to rein in a president who seems determined to continue an unpopular war in Iraq and perhaps start another one with Iran.
Hillary Clinton is betting that after eight years of George W. Bush, America is yearning for a president who keeps one eye firmly on public opinion.