Yesterday I saw the LBN on both Kos and here and thought about you all. I can imagine the disappointment and have been through it twice: once with Edwards when he couldn't go on in the 2004 Primaries, and the other was when Kerry made the concession speech. Now you have been through it twice.
My subject line is borrowed from the movie "Animal House", and I picked it for a good reason. There was a scene where the morale was low and the guys decided to pick themselves up. Kerry decided to do something very positive, which was to stay in the Senate and finally work to put an end to the war. He will be very effective, and despite the snarks you've seen in the past 24 hours, our comrades here will appreciate his efforts more. He will get to say what he wants without someone (mainly media) watching him constantly. He will get to enjoy being a senator and reclaim the zest he had when he first entered that chamber in 1985. And he will get to introduce more creative legislation our country needs.
Last night a Kerrycrat and I chatted for awhile, and I was thinking aloud that there needs to be an official KerryCrat day, whether it be on Senator Kerry's birthday, or another day where you post the good things he's been doing and ask others to join you in celebrating being a Kerrycrat. It's a way to feel good about him, yourselves, and most of all, what you all are doing to help make the DU and our country a better place.
My hat goes out to Senator and Mrs. Kerry. You all get the roses. Keep posting.