The Future of CHIP: Improving the Health of America’s Children February 1, at 10:00 p.m. in 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Member Statements:
Max Baucus, MT
Charles Grassley, IA
Witness Statements:
OMG, the Democrats really are back in town. There is a hearing on Children's Health and the CHIP program. Wow. The Sub-Committee of Health Care ran hearings last year on the CHIP program, but it was mostly for show. That money is needed to fund the meaningless war in Iraq, after all. (Priorities here people, Repubs have their priorities.)
BTW Tay, uber-wonk-goddess, what does the Finance Committee do anyway and what is their mandate? Glad you asked me, oh humble supplicant:
It's all here in mostly understandable English: FROM RULE XXV OF THE STANDING RULES OF THE SENATE
1. The following standing committees shall be appointed at the commencement of each Congress, and shall continue and have the power to act until their successors are appointed, with leave to report by bill or otherwise on matters within their respective jurisdictions:
(i) Committee on Finance, to which committee shall be referred all proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials, and other matters relating to the following subjects:
1. Bonded debt of the United States, except as provided in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974.
2. Customs, collection districts, and ports of entry and delivery.
3. Deposit of public moneys.
4. General revenue sharing.
5. Health programs under the Social Security Act and health programs financed by a specific tax or trust fund.
6. National social security.
7. Reciprocal trade agreements.
8. Revenue measures generally, except as provided in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974.
9. Revenue measures relating to the insular possessions.
10. Tariffs and import quotas, and matters related thereto.
Clear? Anybody reading me. Sigh, ahm, anybody at all? :cry: I get so lonely out here in committeeville.