from the JK blog:
As a Canadian this is possibly none of my business. But then there's issues from softwood lumber to the treatment of Maher Arar that demonstrate over and over again the unusually large stake that Canadians have in the outcome of American elections.
I am sorry and a bit surprised to hear of Senator Kerry's decision not to run for President in 2008. I can undertand the power of the "infotainment" industry to turn a flubbed line into a perceived error, especially when that industry is teamed up with clever partisan opponents who are capable of masquerading as just plain citizens, so shocked at the gaffe!
But you have to believe that in the end people will be smarter than that. And there's still plenty of time for a field of candidates whose chances and capabilities have been artificially fluffed up by that same infotainment industry to get pumped right back down again as the process rolls on.
A world of climate change, depleting resources, colonial wars and religious conflicts needs statespersons. There is not an unlimited supply of such people. One such is John Kerry. Here's hoping.