Edited on Mon Feb-07-05 10:46 PM by LittleClarkie
esp. when I think of the hope I had before, and the dreams of saving the country.
Maybe it wasn't the best campaign. But damn if felt like a winner toward the end there. I still flash back to certain people of the Republican persuasion that I know who took such great glee in dancing before me going "flippy floppy flippy floppy" (this was a rather round man who looked like an imbecile at that moment). Another whom I was honestly trying to explain Kerry cutting the budget on several weapon systems in the 80's. Never could I get them to let me say the whole thing. I'd try starting with "Cheney was advocating cutting the same..." Interrupted. "Cheney's not running for president." I try again. "Yes, but you don't understand. He was a budget hawk and this was the time of the $200 hammer. He voted for..." Interrupted. "Before he voted against? HAR!
Yeah, guys, laugh it up. It doesn't mean life or death to anyone, does it? It's just a political game, and all you wanna do is have your side win. Nevermind that Bush isn't even a traditional Republican. I swear some Republicans never looked at him long enough to see that he was NOT a fiscal conservative. They acted like Kerry was going to be the spend thrift, when he'd actually helped balance the budget, and gotten liberal flack for it besides.
Not to mention that the more I fell in love with Kerry, the more this shit hurt. I'd end up in tears alot.
I just wish there was more I could do besides watch. I see people getting upset, normal average folk who never struck me as particularly liberal calling Bush a Hitler.
I guess I'm just emotional right now. The anniversary of my dad's death was Saturday, and I'm slowly realizing it's affecting me more than I realized. I sometimes psychoanalyze myself, thinking I only became more into the campaign after he died, and maybe I got so attached to our sailor Senator because my dad was in the Navy too, and watching the GOP smear a veteran just got me on a deep level.
That and discovering Gitmo in April. I was worried about those guys from the minute I found out we'd detained them for almost 2 years with no recourse. And I was right too. I still remember the stories I read where the Army tried to say that every single one of them was supposed to be there. Oh sure, the military never makes mistakes. No need for checks and balances here. They don't get due process. They're not Americans. As if we were the only ones in the world entitled to what is only right for any man.
Even now, I wonder if all this administration has done will ever come out. If you're a believer in God, wouldn't you think he'd get sick of these tactics being used in his name and sooner or later kick some divine butt across the stage? Surely these people's time is coming. How long do can they be expected to get away with this shit. When does it hit the fan?
I mean, who do you even believe. I see Wayne Madsen has a new article out about "The Christian Mafia." Do we believe all this conspiracy stuff? Does Madsen have credibility? What about all the other books written about the BFEE? How much of that is credible. Are we really dealing with people that freaking evil? Surely that can't go on forever. Something's gotta break. But what the hell to do?
Getting back to your original question, this is part of why I won't let anyone just point a finger at Kerry. The poster shares in it, Shrum, Kerry, the media, the GOP and their nasty ways, and every person who couldn't see what's going on and only cared that Bush could have a beer with them and whether or not TeRAHsa was going to throw ketsup bottles at the Iraqis. I hope, like the Nazis, they end up having to curl up in a ball somewhere far, far away. I don't think even Argentina would take them this time.
Um. You apparently pushed a hot button. Sorry about the ramble.