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John Kerry - Lieutenant Governor

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Democrats » John Kerry Group Donate to DU
angrydemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 08:57 PM
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John Kerry - Lieutenant Governor
John Kerry entered the race to run for lieutenant governor in 1982 and won the Democratic primaries. At the same time Micheal Dukakis beat King the incumbent for governor in the primaries.

With the hotly contested Democratic primaries behind them, Dukakis and Kerry faced a cakewalk against over matched Republican candidates in the general election. The Dukakis team considered Kerry an asset and featured him in campaign advertising. One brochure show them walking and talking, suit coats slung over their shoulders: "Mike Dukakis/John Kerry.......Democrats of the future." With Kerry in lower berth of the ticket, Dukakis crushed the GOP ticket of John W. Sears and Leon J. Lombardi.

As lieutenant governor Kerry threw himself into his work and the excitement of returning, to public life. When he took the oath in Jan., he stepped into a job to serve as acting chief executive in absence of the governor and to chair meetings of the the Executive Council, a vestige of colonial government primarily charged with confirming or rejecting judicial nominations.

But Dukakis delegated other tasks to Kerry, who seized the opportunity. Not only would Kerry's office be the liaison to federal government, a role O'Neill assumed, but also quarterback the administration's anti-crime agenda.

Kerry's public schedule was a blur of activity - travel to conferences, endless political and ceremonial appearances, fund raisers, and meetings. But it provided Kerry with an opportunity to establish a statewide presence, to create the political infrastructure he lacked, and he took advantage of it. And his office's federal relations duties, monitoring budget, grant applications, and regulatory issues gave Kerry a direct line to Washington, his first choice for political office.

In Feb. 1983, when Dukakis assembled his Anti-Crime Council, he named himself chair, regulating Kerry to vice chair. Kerry played a important role, taking the lead crafting a computer crimes bill and pushing for a state racketeering law and victim - witness assistance program.

The state legislature took up a bill in April of 1983 to repeal a death penalty statue that had been approved by the voters the previous fall and signed into law by King before he left office, Dukakis sent Kerry to testify against capital punishment. "We do not believe government should be in the business of killing people. It cheapens life and demeans us all," Kerry told a legislative committee. About eighteen months later, the state's highest court struck down the the law.

The Dukakis team considered Kerry a loyal team player. A university professor today, Dukakis calls himself "a fan" of Kerry. "We had a great working relationship," Dukakis said.

John Sasso, who was Dukakis's chief of staff, said he "never had to worry that Kerry was trying to upstage Mike. He couldn't have been more loyal."

The office was inundated with requests for small favors and Kerry's presence - at bar mitzuahs, Boy Scout installations, youth sports banquets. Kerry's office files, now at the Massachusetts Archives, are filled with the back and forth correspondence that reflects the everyday life of a politician. A lawyer in South Hadley wrote in Aug. 1983 to thank Kerry and his staff for "in clearing up the liquor license transfer to allow our client to open as scheduled."

Despite the sometimes mundane schedule, Kerry managed in 1983 to emerge as a national political figure in the fight against acid rain, the industrial pollutant that was killing off lakes and streams, weakening forests, pockmarking monuments and buildings, causing ailments in people. During Kerry's first year as lieutenant governor, his schedules show at least twenty three trips out of state on official business, eleven of them related to acid rain.

Kerry's efforts culminated in a Feb.1984 resolution of the National Governors Association calling for its cuts in sulfur dioxide emissions that were polluting waterways in the Northeast. The resolution was a public relations coup and later would prove an important step toward enactment of the federal 1990 Clean Air Act amendments.

On Jan 12, 1984 one year into his four year term as lieutenant governor, Kerry was in Germany's Black Forest on an acid rain fact finding trip when he received stunning news of an announcement that would be be made later that day back in Boston: Illness was forcing forty two year old Paul E. Tsongas to retire from his U.S. Senate seat just after one term. "I was woken at three in the morning and told Paul Tsongas was not running," Kerry recalled. A incredible opportunity was at hand. "But it was tricky", he added. "I was concerned that it would be viewed as not having learned the lessons of 1972 and that it was premature. One year into the Lieutenant governor office, to stand up and say, hey I think I should be senator. You know, it was ballsy," Kerry said. But Kerry added "it was right place for me in the terms of the things that were my passions. The issues of war and peace was on the table again." Two weeks later Kerry jumped in the race.

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TayTay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 08:44 PM
Response to Original message
1. Gawd, this brings me back
I saw the Frontline program, "The Choice" this year and it had a lot of old pictures of Kerry in MA. The best was the swearing-in of Dukakis and Kerry. I forgot about the height disparity. There was Billy Bulger, Senate President, standing about 5'4, and Dukakis at around 5'8 and then there was Kerry. (He's what about 6'5?) I forgot how odd they looked out in public together. And how young Kerry's kids were.

Kerry got in as Lt. Gov with Dukakis, who had been voted out of office in MA in 1979 in an obvious case of voter insanity. The interim Gov, Ed King, was a complete moron and one of the most embarrasing Democrats of my lifetime. (What kind of a MA Democrat votes for the death penalty?) King left office to take up a well-deserved span of ignominious nothingness, proving that there may, in fact, be a just god.

Funny, I think this was a good time and a bad time for Kerry. He got into statewide office and then got a Senate seat. At the same time, the personal side was just so sad. I really think that Kerry and his ex-wife did a phenomenal job raising their kids. Divorce sucks. Divorce in public with all those sad circumstances is even worse. His daughters seem so nice and well-adjusted and normal. That is really a great tribute to him and his ex.
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angrydemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:58 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. I haven't gotten around to it yet but
I'm going to do a write up and post it here about him and his first wife Julia and their two daughters as well as one about him and Teressa. Just haven't got that far yet. This man has done so much and is so interesting I don't know if I will ever get it all finished. I just hope everyone enjoys my post and learns something they didn't already know. I want people to know the real John Kerry not what the stupid ass media portrayed him out to be. I noticed people are starting to read my post now because they are commenting on them and I'm glad.
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seito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 09:08 PM
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2. The irony here
Dukakis was the my first presidential candidate. I was still a teen, and I worked on his campaign after school. I did phone bank etc. I actually got to shake his hand (A big deal to a kid, trust me)

The irony is that I really did not get involved in actively working for a campaign until Kerry. I wish I would have had the chance to shake his hand :loveya: Ahh well. Perhaps in the next campaign...sigh

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angrydemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:51 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Go check out......
the Iran-contra investigations and the prosecuter and you will see irony. This man is just to good. He amazes me. I guess that is why I have always loved the man even long before he ran for president.
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bush_is_wacko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 05:46 PM
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5. Thanks so much for doing all this. I am printing this stuff off for
future reference and also, just in case, my horribly backward uncle ever wants to read the TRUTH about Kerry and who he is and what he's done.
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angrydemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 06:05 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. You're Welcome
I don't mind doing it at all. I hope others will do exactly what you're doing. We need to get the truth out about this man. So many people don't know the truth they only know what others have told them and so much of it is lies. I want to get the message out this time, and people to know the truth about him, I refuse to wait for another Cahill or Shrum to do it. They didn't do a good job at it this last time why would the next be any different. I'm not willing to take that chance again. As you can see from what I have posted on this site already there is so much they didn't let people know about Kerry and there are so many that don't know shit when it comes to this man. So I for one am determined to get it out there this time. And I hope when I'm finished you can send anyone you want to this forum and any question they might have will be answered right here. Because they don't have to have a gold star to read the forum only to post.

Kerry is just to great a leader in so many ways not to fight for. He truly is the man we need as the leader of this country. And I for one will fight my heart out to prove that.
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bush_is_wacko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 07:12 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. I am also trying to get some comprehensive information together
regarding all those that have been suicided and accidented that have been involved in trying to expose the * family and administration. I think it might come in handy in the near future, given the fact Kerry's wife's former husband is one of them!
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angrydemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 08:21 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. You Should Also Post Your Information Here
Because we may not have that many post here yet but were have alot of lurkers and readers. Some aren't posting here because they don't have the money to get a gold star but they do read. When we get done we should be able to point people to this forum and they will have the man's life history and career at their finger tips. People need to learn who this man is and what he is all about before passing judgment.
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bush_is_wacko Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 01:05 AM
Response to Reply #8
9. I researched today, but it will take me awhile to get this information
Edited on Thu Dec-23-04 01:06 AM by bush_is_wacko
digested. All I can say is researching politacal deaths on the internet is a scary proposition!
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elshiva Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-26-05 11:39 PM
Response to Original message
10. I love Dukakis and his brush fire eyebrows.
The Gov and the Lt. Gov.
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