Nice piece by a blogger at kerrygoddess' blog The Democratic Daily:
Why Some on the Left Still Don’t Get It
Posted by Todd Mitchell
March 1st, 2007 @ 7:26 am
When I went to Crooks and Liars to view the clip, I found the comments accompanying the clip, by someone named “SilentPatriot”, to be disingenuous: “While it’s nice to see Senator Kerry finally get some satisfaction, this is what he should have been doing back in 2004. The SBVT lies were transparent and easily debunked — by official Navy records no less. Although he didn’t get much help from the media who refused to call out the blatant lies, inconsistencies and discrepancies, he could have defused this easily. Instead he ignored and, in turn, validated them.”
Not quite. While the response was a bit slow-footed in the summer, Kerry had forcefully and easily debunked the story by September of ‘04. The problem wasn’t his “ignoring and validating” theSBVT attacks, it was the mainstream media and the blogosphere too, I might add, who refused to give proper coverage to the Kerry campaign’s response. Couple that with the tidal wave of money and ads supporting the SBTV (which Kerry could do nothing about, hence the entire discussion of 527’s in the hearings) and the issue was kept alive long after Kerry had discredited it.
Thanks for the clip, but spare us the amateurish Monday morning quarterbacking next time. is tiring to hear the "he didn't fight back" or "didn't attack hard," bla, bla, bla lines, but it's good that these Swifty clowns are being brought to light (somewhat despite the media spin. :grr:)
However, like it or not, the same tired lines are going to come up over and over again, and unfortunately, there will be a lot of rehashing the 04 campaign to promote the "formidable" 08 field at Kerry's expense.