I was trying to figure out what was going on at the Poll-That-Shall-Not-Be-Linked, and found an article there recently posted by Sen. Kerry, on Lebanon:
http://www.newpoliticalreview.com/article.php?id=212Opening and concluding paragraphs:
A crucial time for saving Lebanon's fragile democracy
by U.S.Senator John Kerry, Democrat From Massachusetts
Everywhere I traveled throughout the Middle East this winter, the feeling was inescapable that the region could explode at any time. The threat of three simultaneous civil wars that King Abdullah of Jordan spoke of is real, and perhaps the most imminent danger -- in Lebanon -- is the least understood.
. . .
This comprehensive approach, similar to the one used with North Korea and Iran, must include the full participation of moderate Arab countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia -- which, like Syria, have largely Sunni populations -- as well as Turkey. There is no guarantee that this approach will save Lebanon and turn Syria into a positive force in the region -- but the current policy only guarantees more of the same.
Lebanon teeters on the brink of disaster -- but its leaders refuse to surrender. As Amine Gemayel, the former president of Lebanon, said in explaining why he is running to replace his son in Parliament, "We keep going. We keep fighting. We keep struggling." The question is whether we will be a real partner in this struggle.