I rated it up. I noticed that in addition to Hurley's and yours, a "fellow veteran" defended Kerry as well. Fellow vet salutes Kerry By Ben Shapiro/ Letters Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Your editorial on John Kerry questioning Sam Fox during his Senate confirmation hearing to become ambassador to Belgium sorely misses the point, choosing instead to engage in an Alice in Wonderland interpretation of reality (“Politics turns personal,” March 1). I speak as a Vietnam veteran, who was and remains outraged at the so-called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, whose assertions maliciously distorted the record of a man who served his country honorably, winning the Silver Star, the Bronze Star with V for Valor and three Purple Hearts. Kerry ought to have personally and swiftly responded to these allegations that perhaps cost him the presidency. For Fox to claim he was unaware of the positions of an organization to which he contributed defies credulity. It at least allows questioning of the nominee’s judgment. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth remain an open wound for all Vietnam veterans, and I believe, surely for Sen. Kerry. In the final analysis, it is not, as you state, all about John Kerry. It is, instead, about respect for the truth, and how the Republican Party in ’04 would simply stop at nothing to retain the presidency. Ben Shapiro, Quincy "