It never f***ing ends, does it? What kind of moron sees this as an effort worthy of replication? Sigh.
PROJECTS will be involved in a number of educational, issue advocacy based activities throughout the 2008 presidential election cycle. The start of such activities is the release of the first of our Candidate Reports:
The Romney Report: Part I - Posted March 12, 2007
Who We Are is a federal political action committee comprised of local activists from around the United States whose focus is on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues.
It is neither our intent to favor nor to come out against any one candidate. Our projects and reports are issues based and specifically designed to educate voters enrolled in major or third parties across the nation about the true background of political candidates on issues such as Homeland Security, Abortion, Immigration, Gay Rights, Management, National Defense, Party Building, Health Care, Second Amendment and Taxes among others.
As an issue advocacy organization, our work is focused primarily on nonpartisan civic engagement projects and a variety of activities aimed at educating voters about the issues before them in the next election. We believe that voters have the right to know where a candidate stands on the issues and our research reports will cut through the spin and hopefully present what are the true positions of candidate XYZ.
How To Support Our Efforts
Donations play an integral role in our ability to sustain this Web site and enable us to get our message out across the Country via special events, mailings, print and broadcast advertising as well as through other mediums. If you would like to make a contribution, please visit our Donation page.
Volunteers are critical to help us grow our organization and get our message out across the Country. We are also looking for local, state and regional coordinators interested in helping us mobilize a variety of grassroots initiatives in the future. Anyone wishing to get involved should fully complete the form on our Sign Up page.
Fact Checking / Corrections makes every attempt to represent fair and accurate information based on research and documentation from reliable sources. Unfortunately, we too are human and even though all attempts have been made to eliminate inaccuracies, inadvertent errors might occur.
Should you find what you believe to be an error or a misrepresentation of the facts in our reporting, please notify us immediately by clicking this email link and providing us with your name, mailing address, phone number, email address and the documentation (from verifiable sources) that you believe would correct what we have posted. We will then research your objection and within 24 hours post a full correction, make a formal retraction and / or modify the content on this Web site where appropriate.
For additional information, please contact us at