Talking about an amendment that would allow The Ed Schultz Show and (2005) The Al Franken Show on Armed Forces radio:
Liberal radioThe other day I was in the elevator coming up to the floor to cast a vote. I was with two of our Democratic colleagues whom I respect very much, two very liberal Democratic Senators. They were complaining about the fact that all the talk shows are conservative and they don't have successful liberal talk shows. And they said--these were their words in the elevator--there ought to be a legislative fix to this. I said: What you guys don't understand is, this is market driven, and there is no market for your liberal trite. And for that reason, it is much more of the conservative talk shows. It is called the market, and that is what makes America work.
Nov 8, 2005
What are you on my case for, trite is the fair and balanced word, right? I'm not prejudging you, it's just that anti-American, liberal radio ranting is wrong and no one wants it. What? Was it something I said?
On Global Warming Many times that is not the case, and such a case is the hoax referred to as ``global warming .'' I called the threat of catastrophic global warming the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people in a statement, to put it mildly, that was not viewed very kindly by the environmental extremists and their elitist organizations.
I also pointed out in a lengthy committee report that those same environmental extremists exploit the issue for fundraising purposes, raking in millions of dollars, even using Federal taxpayers' dollars to finance the campaigns.
For these groups, the issue of catastrophic global warming is not just a favored fundraising tool. In truth, it is more fundamental than that. Put simply, man-induced global warming is an article of religious faith to the radical far left alarmists. Therefore, contending that its central tenets are flawed to them is heresy and of the most despicable kind. Furthermore, scientists who challenge its tenets are attacked sometimes personally for blindly ignoring the so-called scientific consensus. That is not all. Because of their skeptical views, they are contemptuous, dismissed for being ``out of the mainstream.''
This seems to me highly ironic. Aren't scientists to be nonconforming and question consensus? Nevertheless, it is not hard to read between the lines. ``Skeptic'' and ``out of mainstream'' are their thinly veiled code phrases meaning anyone who doubts the alarmists' orthodoxy is, in short, a quack.
James Inhofe, Jan 4, 2005
on Why Gays should not marry and what Sen. Inhofe is most proud of Mr. INHOFE. Maybe this isn't worded exactly right. But this is the only show in town. It is the only opportunity that we will have to do anything. Again, I said maybe I am the wrong person to talk about this. I was talking to my brother, Buddy Inhofe, down in Texas. He is a Texas citizen, I say to my friend from Texas over here. He and his wife Margaret--he is 1 year older than I am--they have been married for 53 years. Every time they have a wedding anniversary, it is just like getting married again.
As you see--maybe this is the most important prop we will have during the entire debate--my wife and I have been married 47 years. We have 20 kids and grandkids. I am really proud to say in the recorded history of our family , we have never had a divorce or any kind of a homosexual relationship. I think maybe I am the wrong one to be doing this, as I come with such a strong prejudice for strong families.
June 7th, 2006
Do you know what this means? This makes Tom Coburn the
sane Senator from Oklahoma Tom Coburn, X-Treme GOoPer.
From Atrios:
Listen to the Republican candidate for senator from Oklahoma say this:
You know, Josh Burkeen is our rep down here in the southeast area. He lives in Colgate and travels out of Atoka. He was telling me lesbianism is so rampant in some of the schools in southeast Oklahoma that they'll only let one girl go to the bathroom. Now think about it. Think about that issue. How is it that that's happened to us?"
Tom Coburn, 8/31/04
Yeah, Coburn's the sane one. If that doesn't scare you, nothing will.