Because that IS a hallmark of * and his administration. Hiring and promoting based on loyalty over experience and expertise-- as the Monica Goodling story is the latest example of-- is all part of a broader plan to cement a permanent Republican majority.
Comes from the same people that brought us Watergate and Iran-Contra what better way to ensure loyalty from within than hiring;
People without a memory of those illegal events.
Those who were homeschooled by parents that most likely saw nothing wrong with those illegal activities.
Those who were college/university educated by institutions that supported the GOP and saw nothing wrong with their past illegal actions.
Those who graduated professional schools controlled by those who praised those law breaking Administrations.
It fits into Karl Rove's plans for a new Republican United States where an entire generation has been brought up without interaction with the general population of this nation.
This new generation let's name them "The Reagan Youth" were being installed into positions of power and authority at breakneck speed by the Bush 43 Administration to cement the foundation of the Party's future.
Competence wasn't and issue, competetion wasn't available because the pool of available talent was small and shallow.
That wasn't an issue for the Rovian Reaganites the issue was ensuring loyalty and resume building for that dream of a Republican nation.
All the Rovian dreamers needed was 20 years of a Republican control of government and they were going strong in 2004 and were half way to their goal.
We are coming to learn that that was just the tip of the iceberg.
We are seeing the depths of planning these Republicans have thought out how to take over an entire nation by growing their own core partisans from birth.
They have created a stand alone alternative to educating (indoctrinating) and entire generation of their youth sheltered from the marketplace(what happened to that free market principle) of ideas.
They acheived governmental control in 2000 using the dubious actions of the Supreme Court as a lynch pin of power.
They set about installing these "Reagan Youth" into positions of power and have succeeded in doing just that.
Their problem is THEY ARE NOT THE MAJORITY nor are they collectively mature enough to make the plan work.
History has caught them again (damn that free market of ideas).
The 20th century saw parallels to this type of central planning in other nations.
Where are those governments now? They are generally regarded as the most evil and blood thirsty regimes of modern history.
Let's hope out "Reagan Youth" wonderkind generation are shown the door as their vision of this nation is a dangerous myth.
---wmc418 on Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 09:50:26 AM PDT
In a way, I'm glad they have gaps and holes in their incompetence. Those flaws probably saved America's butt. It would've been a lot easier to cement support, hearts and minds if they HAD been more competent.
Remember, people flocked to the Republicans for years before *, because they saw them as knowing how business and finances worked better than Democrats.
People will not do
anything that they don't perceive to be giving a better rate of return for the sacrifice.