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The Fox Nomination and the Swift Boat Liars

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Dr Ron Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 04:10 AM
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The Fox Nomination and the Swift Boat Liars
John Kerry's Vietnam crew mates have written the Senate Foreign Relations Committee urging that Sam Fox not be confirmed as ambassador to Belgium in light of his contributions to the Swift Boat Liars. Many Senate Democrats are backing Kerry, while ex-Democrat Joe Lieberman is backing Fox.

Conservative blogs continue to spread the disproven charges against Kerry. In a post at Liberal Values, following a report of the above, multiple articles on the Swift Boat Liars are presented. (These were also posted at The Democratic Daily last June).
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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 06:30 AM
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1. Ron, that is a brilliant post
Yesterday, I did call the offices of some of the Democrats (some you couldn't get through to) and they said they were getting many calls.

I hope one of the Republicans puts it on hold. Bush's popularity is in the 30s. He needs the senior Senators more than they need him. Senator Warner, who said on the floor of the Senate that Kerry deserved his Silver Star might be a possibility. If it has to be on the SFRC, what do Hagel and Lugar have to lose?

If Hagel runs, McCain or Romney will likely swiftboat him - they already each have some SBVT people behind them. Lugar has always had the reputation of being a decent person and he has known Senator Kerry for over 20 years.
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dwahzon Donating Member (338 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 08:30 AM
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2. Well done Ron
I've bookmarked that one.
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Dr Ron Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 02:24 PM
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3. Fox Nomination Withdrawn
A follow up post has been posted at Liberal Values on the withdrawal of the Fox nomination with more on the Swift Boat Liars. See original post for links:

The White House has withdrawn the nomination of Sam Fox, which I most recently discussed here. Fox has received criticism for his contribution to the Swift Boat Liars, including a letter sent by Kerry’s Vietnam crew mates who have consistently protested the lies told about Kerry by others for political reasons.

While those with any integrity of either party recognize that the Swift Boat Liars were fabricating arguments out of political motivations, the right wing noise machine continues to spread their lies. Fortunately one of their backers was forced to pay this price for the unethical act of contributing to such a group, but nothing will stop the lies about Kerry. I included multiple references on the Swift Boat Liers in my previous post. but those who continue to spread these charges have no concern for the truth.

As they have no concern for the truth and are only looking for an opportunity to smear Kerry, there is no amount of evidence which will end their lies. When the facts proved that the Swifties were lying, they just spread a number of dishonest arguments, secure in the fact that the ditto heads of the right would continue to spread them without any concern for fact checking. Many right wing blogs even continue to spread the claim that Kerry has not released his records, when his military records were posted on line for anyone to see who cared about the truth.

There is no way to stop them from continuing to spread their lies about Kerry, as well as making up new lies about who ever runs in 2008. There will always be right wingers who will contribute to such groups, but at least the Fox nomination might give some reason to question whether such dishonorable actions are really in their best interest.
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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-28-07 02:36 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Those lies will likely never end
That is why it was such a heinious act to put out these atrocious charges that had no basis in truth. Even before mass media, that was why bearing false witness was considered wrong enough to get its own sin. The problem is that once the lie is spread, it is impossible to get it back. In this case it is made harder as the media often has used neutral words to describe the lies.

Really nice way to thank a man for risking his health and life as a young man.
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