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Ehrlich is scum

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elshiva Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-09-05 11:42 PM
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Ehrlich is scum
They just started a thread in LBN:

So Ehrlich wants to assasinate the character of O'Malley by saying he had an affair? Hmmm... sounds like what they tried to do to Kerry. Remember Teresa's "Shove it" to that reporter who tried to dig up dirt on JK? Couldn't find anything on Kerry and they won't find anything on O'Malley.

Parents told this story about O'Malley: O'Malley's 7 yr old son came home with his report card. He asked his mom to sign it. She did. Then the little boy said, "Better get Dad to sign it too or they'll think you are divorced." Grrrrrrr...

Why O Why? Because Ehrlich wants to distract the public from his land deals. Ehrlich was going to sell MD protected parkland for a couple million. He would have got away with it except for the Baltimore Sun leaked the story. So now he can't get his million off selling land. Boo frikkin' hoo.

Please pray that we vote out Ehrlich in 2006.
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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-10-05 02:47 AM
Response to Original message
1. I'm sorry
We have a nice Dem Governor who wants to fund the schools and silly stuff like that. And a new mayor in Portland who actually wants to buy back the utility company and rode in the Critical Mass bicycle protest because he promised to in his campaign. Who is also going to go down on Burnside and skate with the kids. As long as he offers common sense solutions and doesn't alienate business, we may just get Oregon back from the right wing loons permantly!

Then I've got DeFazio for a Congressman, who almost always votes right.

So I should count my blessings I guess.

Except for Gordon Smith. x( He needs to go.
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elshiva Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-10-05 06:37 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Good for you.
Maryland talk shows were all Ehrlich and O'Malley today. Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley were on the front of the Baltimore Sun today looking mornful, like it was their funeral.
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