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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-06-07 10:11 PM
Original message
This may or may not sound popular here, but
Edited on Fri Apr-06-07 10:14 PM by politicasista
I think Kerry should stop going on that old pimp Imus' show. I know he has apologized, but he should be fired. It just goes to show us that racism still exists.


Imus Under Fire for Racist Remarks
By Renee D. Turner, Staff Writer

April 6, 2007 - A popular morning radio host is under fire for calling members of the Rutgers University women's basketball team "nappy-headed ho's" following their NCAA championship game Tuesday night.

Don Imus, who hosts a syndicated talk show that is broadcast on MSNBC, was talking to three guests when he said about the woman's team, "That's some nappy-headed hos there" after his executive producer, Bernard McGuirk, called the team "hardcore hos." Imus and McGuirk went on to further attack the Black members of the team, calling them “jigaboos and wannabes.”

A local chapter of the NAACP called the comments racist and unacceptable, reported NBC's Washington affiliate News4, and the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is calling for a boycott of the "Imus' in the Morning" show and for Imus to be fired.

"Has he lost his mind?" asked NABJ President Bryan Monroe, vice president and editorial director for Ebony and JET magazines in Chicago. "Those comments were beyond offensive. Imus needs to be fired. Today."

On Thursday, MSNBC released the following statement: "While simulcast by MSNBC, 'Imus in the Morning' is not a production of the cable network and is produced by WFAN Radio.

"As Imus makes clear every day, his views are not those of MSNBC. We regret that his remarks were aired on MSNBC and apologize for these offensive comments."

According to The New York Times, however, Imus said people should relax and "not worry about some idiot saying something meant to be amusing."

Opinions are welcome.
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-06-07 10:19 PM
Response to Original message
1. i have been saying this for a long time
i hate it that Kerry goes on his show. and this isn't the first or only case of racism and bigotry from Imus. he even attacked Teresa and Elizabeth Edwards in ugly ways.

it's not like that many people watch or listen to him. Kerry would do much better going on a bunch of local shows than Imus.
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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-06-07 10:24 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Exactly
Edited on Fri Apr-06-07 10:30 PM by politicasista
Thanks for the history lesson. :hi:

He could do more by going on shows like Tom Joyner, Al Sharpton (yes, Al has a show) or maybe some other urban talk radio shows. That's what he did in 2004. He got grilled but the radio guys seemed impressed. And people (not all, but some cause of bitterness from 04) will really see JK and Momma T for who they really are and see what they really lost out from 04.

He (and Momma T promoting TMOE :)) can reach diverse audiences rather than giving a racist old pimp like Imus some airtime. And yes, I liked their interview. :) and Imus was very nice to them. However, I think Kerry is brave to be doing these kind of shows along with Faux though.

The Tavis appearance was a start.
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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-06-07 11:28 PM
Response to Original message
3. Imus is an equal opportunity insulter.
Edited on Fri Apr-06-07 11:53 PM by wisteria
He is derogatory and insulting to just about every race, gender and even personal lifestyle.
This is Imus and this is Imus' show. Just about the whole lot of them are outrageous. Calling Hillary evil, Jk & Teresa phony, using slang to describe people's personal lifestyles, attacking peoples religions etc. that is what they have been doing for a long time. You should remember that he was an ardent supporter of Harold Ford in Tenn. He went to far with his remarks to get a laugh or to provide shock value, but then again, he goes to far many many times. We have free speech in our country. We don't have to like what is said all the time, but we have to acknowledge the right to say it. He has apologized.

It is interesting that he is getting a small taste of what JK was put through over a dropped pronown.

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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-06-07 11:59 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. it's not the same thing
nobody is debating whether he has a right to say it. the same can be said about Limbaugh and others.

what JK went through was far worse as they were all lies on his character. Imus is being criticized for something he DID say that was clearly meant to offend.

the fact is that Imus is a racist and i wish Kerry,Harold Ford and anyone else would stop going on his show. i wish he wouldn't even have a show.

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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 12:17 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. You misunderstand. I realize the comments are not the same, but the media
comments are- justified or not. The point is everyone says things that are improper or just plan wrong once in a while- even if it is just a dropped pronoun.

How do you know that Imus's intent was clearly to offend? Perhaps, it was just the nasty ramblings of a man who thought he was being funny. How do you know for sure that he is a racist? Is it just based on this comment? I could also accuse him of being sexist based on his comments about women, homophobic based on his comments about lifestyle choices, he could be anti- Italian, anti- Clinton, Anti-religion. The list goes on and one.
Why is it that when he says something derogatory about AA only, that people get outraged?

I am no Imus fan, although I have watched his show on occasion.

I just think some of this outrage right now is a bit unfair. He has apologized. And, I don't like the idea of demanding that people always say and do things the way "we" think is proper. This steps into the realm of censorship. Better, to discuss why he felt a comment like this would get him some laughs and what we can do as Americans to combat this perspective and stereotyping of AA.
Just my opinion.

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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 12:41 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. "nappy-headed ho's"
i'm not demanding Imus do or say what i want. but he should be condemned for it including people boycotting his show. do you think the criticism of George Allen was unfair for calling that guy "macaca". or Trent Lott's words about how we wouldn't have all these "problems" if Strom Thurmond had been President. or Ann Coulter's use of "faggot" in attacking Edwards.

and "nappy-headed ho's" is pretty much like calling them niggers. but in some ways it's worse if you think about what black women have to deal with when it comes to sexual attacks. it's pretty much attacking them as not worthy of respect as women the way other women(usually white women) are.
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Noisy Democrat Donating Member (799 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 07:45 AM
Response to Reply #6
8. Yeah, Imus crossed a line
I'm not at all sure he really is racist -- I think he may have been doing his "offensive rambling guy" shtick for so long that he's lost track of which offensive mumblings are funny and which are just plain offensive. But he shouldn't have said it. How bad his punishment should be, I don't know; I think removing him from the air would be excessive, but he should have to grovel for a bit, to make it clear that this really did go too far. If I thought he really was anti-AA or a sincerely hateful person like Ann Coulter, I'd think his punishment should be far worse, but my gut feeling -- though I didn't hear the original segment -- is that he did just lose track of where the shock-the-audience-for-laughs shtick stops being funny. Clearly the African-American community shouldn't let people get away with this kind of thing or pass it off as "just a joke," but maybe if he apologizes enough it could eventually be let go; I don't know.
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MonteLukast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 11:54 AM
Response to Reply #8
11. Not to mention, it's childish.
The only people I hear calling women "ho's" are immature people. Usually teenagers and college students. Once I bumped into a pack of sorority girls calling each other "ho's." Now that's empowering. :sarcasm:
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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 11:53 AM
Response to Reply #6
10. I feel a lot of what Imus says is unfair and wrong.
Edited on Sat Apr-07-07 12:08 PM by wisteria
It is up to the individual to decide if they want to boycott the show or not. My point is if we are going to denounce him we have to watch what we are asking for. Free speech is a hard fought right in our country. Censorship is a slippery slop. If we are going to condemn someone for his insults and demeaning statements then it should be equally applied. The suggestion and comments as a whole have no value or positive affect on our lives.
Now, I don't want to get into an argument, by words like "ho's" and the "N" word permeate rap music and videos. I find much of the suggestions in this type of music to be very derogatory,insulting and demeaning towards women and the AA race. Obviously though, others claim this is a form of expression and falls under poetic license.

I do not support any of the comments of Allen and others,(Lott and Allen are public political figures that people are suppose to look up to and respect, that is why their comments were more shocking) including remarks made by Bill Maher and even some people who post here at at DU and KOS, but they have the right to say what they will. I think it is more important to question why they feel a need to belittle and demean others in order to promote themselves or someone else though.

One other thing. Imus' rating have going way up in the last year. Many people watch the show. that is why JK and others go on the program. IMO, it would be better for Imus to take some heat on the show for his inappropriate remarks and perhaps discuss why they were wrong. We could make this a true learning experience for everyone.
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rox63 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 07:37 AM
Response to Original message
7. I can't stand Imus
But I know that Teresa is friends with Dierdre Imus, the old pimp's wife. I think he goes on the show in order to get a wider audience for his message. I agree that there are other, better ways he could accomplish this.
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Democrafty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 11:51 AM
Response to Reply #7
9. Dierdre Imus gets several mentions in TMOE.
So this is a tough situation - the Imuses are involved in charity/environmental work that JK and THK value a lot. OTOH, Imus is just an absolute idiot on the radio, and it's hard to see much value in their legitimizing his "act" by going back on the show.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 11:58 AM
Response to Reply #9
12. I believe this episode will work to force Imus to start censoring himself and his crew
and I believe that will be good for the country in an overall way. Sometimes, people just have to hear what they are saying while they are in the midst of a rant originally perceived to be 'humorous' to their crowd.

I would bet that alot of casual listeners in the audience were taken aback by the banter and have done a doublecheck on their own boundaries.

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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 04:24 PM
Response to Reply #9
15. It is a tough situation, but
Edited on Sat Apr-07-07 04:25 PM by politicasista
I think Kerry and Momma T both could do better making rounds the minority talk show circut (i.e. op-eds like this past week). They aren't getting much press in this area.

Sure, there will be people unhappy about the way he ran the campaign in 04 or the concession (i.e. counting the votes), but I don't see anything wrong with talking about the environment and TMOE, and educating about how it relates to the AA community. Plus, like the Tavis interview, it may allow people to see them for who they really are, and what they missed out in 2004.

Though the environment isn't the top issue (healthcare is right now), it would sure break up the montonous talk of SWMNBN vs. Obama, 2008 and other trival stuff.

JMHO. :shrug:
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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 08:35 PM
Response to Reply #15
18. Imus attracts a very large multi-cultural audience. His ratings have
ballooned in the last year. People go on programs because they can attract a larger audience.
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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 11:57 PM
Response to Reply #18
30. I am just saying that Kerry's time is better on other shows
Edited on Sat Apr-07-07 11:57 PM by politicasista
He and Momma T should be educating those who aren't familiar with the environment. And those radio shows I listed above would be far more productive and informative. A lot of people aren't informed about the environment and could be if they went on those shows (i.e. Tom Joyner, Joe Madison, etc.) promoting TMOE. The enviroment is a big deal, and they aren't hearing about it because people get their news from the three cable networks.

And it's not just Kerry, it's all dems including Dodd, Ford Jr that need to quit giving Imus attention. Kerry doesn't stand for racism. The Democratic Party should not stand for racism period. With the exception of the appearance, with Momma T, he always talks bad about them, Dem spouses and other good people.

I see what you mean by why isn't anyone calling for the firings of the likes of Limpbaugh, Beck, Insannity, Coultergeist, and other pundits, the NAACP has made noise about these people before, it's always being advised to just ignore it and they'll go away.

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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 10:37 PM
Response to Reply #15
24. i agree, and i think it's more effective in getting out the message
Tavis actually discusses the issues and is interested in them.

Imus is just a racist with a huge ego who never pays attention to Kerry when he talks about issues. remember that one interview where Kerry was answering and Imus responded by saying he wasn't paying attention. even without the hateful comments i would prefer Kerry not go on that show.

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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-08-07 12:07 AM
Response to Reply #24
32. It really is
Edited on Sun Apr-08-07 12:08 AM by politicasista
I listened to the Tavis Smiley interview. Kerry and Momma T were great. They made their points about the environment and TMOE, talked about politics, all with a laugh or two without the snark or RW talking points. Tavis was very complementary of Momma T, saying he would have been proud to have her as First Lady from Africa. He didn't call her a phony or anything.
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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 12:06 PM
Response to Reply #7
13. i think you said it he is trying to get a wider audience
which is not as easy as it should be. At this point, he is not running (other than for re-election). The book and the interviews behind it are to push people to see that they can make changes and get a better, cleaner world.

I love the various intelligent NPR/PBS interviews the Kerrys have given. These are what more of the news should be - but isn't. The fact is that most people listening are the already converted. Here, he can motivate people to 1) buy their book and more impotantly 2) think what they can do to change in little ways that in the aggregate make a big difference. This book is on activism as much as environmentalism. It also lets people see that not everything is a zero sum game. That is important because the zero sum game straw man pits people against each other. It seems whether it is the environment, foreign policy or baseball, the consistent Kerry feature is pushing to find solutions where everyone benefits vs the status quo. The Travis Smiley one was different than the others because of Smiley's personality and because it could reach a different audience.

The other interviews are to speak to the non-converted. I think Imus was better than O'Reilly for this because Kerry has always been able to get Imus to shut up and let him speak. I also think that Kerry is trashed less on that show than the Clintons, Gore, and Edwards (though he's been nice since the cancer announcement). Given that the norm is that Kerry has elsewhere been trashed MORE, his appearances may have tamped the rampent RW hatred for him. Even with O'Reilly, Kerry accomplished getting several ideas out and likely improved his image to the Fox viewers - he simply is way too reasonable to be the demon they want to portray him as.

Kerry has said the numbers for a serious carbon cap aren't there yet in Congress. The only way to increase the numbers is to reach people on the other side. It is clear that the Kerrys are attempting to do this by de-polarizing the issue - which is pretty interesting as I see no one else really doing that type of outreach on a specific issue. (I know that was part of the theme of the Obama speech)

Beyond the environmental issues, these far flung appearances may help on everything. The more people who see Kerry as the person he is - they may be more willing to listen on Iraq (or other issues). On Iraq, Kerry already has some Republicans (ISG) recommending ideas derived from his.

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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 12:10 PM
Response to Original message
14. The outrage is warranted, but hypocritical
The outrage is warranted, but people seem to be taking it to an extreme that's hypocritical. George Allen against Jim Webb is a classic example of hypocrisy. Allen was a sitting U.S. Senator. Imus is a radio personality. When Allen was exposed as a racist, black leaders in VA were announcing support for him. As a result, the outrage was completely downplayed by the media, allowing Allen to continue his campaign, even going so far as to launch a smear campaign against Webb.

Imus is dickhead by trade, and should get some heat for this. I read his statements and think he was making disgusting ghetto jokes (yeah they're out there, and should never be condoned) as opposed to being a racist. He is a dickhead. He deserves the pressure. Still, there are so many racists on the air and no one is demanding their heads. I get pretty pissed about racism, and I can usually tell the difference between intended racism and stupid, idiotic and insensitive comments. A lot of the stuff Howard Stern says falls into the category of Imus' comments. As far as media personalities go, why aren't they calling for the heads of racists like Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Tucker Carlson, and despicable characters like Rush Limbaugh? Dick Cheney goes on Limbaugh's program and is quoted by the MSM, giving this wingnut asshole credibility.

Also, when some appears on a show, it doesn't mean he/she endorses the views of the host in any way.

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Mass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 07:11 PM
Response to Original message
16. I agree - In fact, Imus has made racist remarks several times.
In addition, I never thought Kerry was at his best on this show.

Because Imus is pretty much a right winger, the questions tend to be fairly idiotic (often as idiotic as on O' Reilly) and you have to be very careful how you answer or you give ammunitions to your ennemies (right and left), because you are trying to be reasonnable while talking to somebody who is not.

I guess Imus has a large audience because everybody is rushing to his show, but I tend to think that it would be better if he focused on other morning shows. There are plenty going around and may be Kerry could try go on some of them.
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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 08:31 PM
Response to Reply #16
17. The Today Show treats him badly and in the latest interview they
accused Teresa of being detrimental to Kerry's campaign and then asked why they would write a book that no one was interested in.
What other morning programs are left that are national and get ratings?

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Mass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 08:41 PM
Response to Reply #17
19. And Kerry was able to answer well because the questions were focused, even if unfair.
Vierra was the one who came out as idiotic, but Kerry's message was clear.

I just happen to think that being on Imus is not that useful. Sure, the latest interview was fairly decent (may be because the book was speaking of his wife and that Imus felt obliged to behave). Unfortunately, other interviews I heard have not shown the best image of Kerry, because, particularly in foreign policy, the question were so tortuous that the answers were not as clear and cutting as they are usually.

I know that I rarely listen to his show, even when Kerry goes, because I think it is often a loss of time and I have trouble ignoring the often racist and ignorant comments Imus tend to make (Kerry has been more than once the target of these comments).
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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 08:55 PM
Response to Reply #19
20. Actually, I have been watching it regularly and find it more entertaining than the other
saccharine morning programs. Yes he is vulgar at times, but he is an idiot and I realize that. He certainly doesn't change my point of view on issues. His guests are varied and share all different views. He skims the surface on the subject matter yes, but light discussion is not bad sometimes. I am not ready for heavy duty conversation in the morning. I hate to admit it, but I would have a void in the morning if he weren't on to watch.
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TayTay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 09:56 PM
Response to Original message
21. That is insulting, disgusting and racist speech
It is shocking to hear in this day and age.

I agree. This is inexcusable behavior and should not be tolerated. There is no defense against hurtful and harmful speech such as this.

I hope Sen. Kerry's office has been advised of this. Unless and until a full and acceptible apology is delivered, I don't think anyone should go on this show, never mind a Senator representing a diverse state, with an AA Gov, such as Massachusetts.
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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 10:16 PM
Response to Reply #21
22. he has apologized repeatedly. In the press and on his show on Friday.
The apologies are not enough for some people, they want him fired.

Please keep in mind that he does insult just about everyone and as badly as his recent comments and he also does a lot of good too. He has that ranch for disabled and dying children and he was very responsible for the Intrepid Hero's Fund that built that lovely building many of us contributed too.

I do not think he is racist. He did support Harold Ford in Tenn. and this is the first time I have heard him use derogatory comments against AA.

It is not like he is a member of the KKK and wore his robes on the program while spewing hatred meant to really do harm.

He went over board trying to be shocking and funny and made an outrageous statement and he has apologized for it.

Why is it we don't get this outraged when Hannity or Limbaugh make their hurtful and insulting comments. Why aren't we demanding that Dem's like Lieberman and others not appear on their shows?

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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 10:29 PM
Response to Reply #22
23. and Bush has Condi Rice on his administration
yeah, people want him fired. and there is nothing wrong with it. people like him shouldn't be on there in the first place. same goes for the vile Glen Beck on CNN.

i see nothing shocking and funny about "nappy headed hos". it's a bigoted hateful attack on black women.

fuck him and i will ask Kerry not to go on that piece of shit show anymore.

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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 10:47 PM
Response to Reply #23
25. Do as you like. You are entitled to your opinion.
And, why you are at it why not go after Beck too and everyone else who you don't care for because they say things you don't like. You don't like what they say so go do what you can to silence them all.

Do you know, your use of the word "fuck" offends me greatly. I don't care for the word and I think it is a vulgar, nasty derogatory term. I would love to see people stop using it as it offends me greatly, but I realize that you and others are entitled to free speech and your own personal interpretation of that word.

I don't like what Imus said it was insulting to the core and hurtful too. However, I do not think he should lose his livelihood because of it and especially since he apologized. Perhaps a temporary suspension would be a compromise and give him some time to really appreciate how hurtful his words were.
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 10:49 PM
Response to Reply #25
26. he has enough money, i doubt he will suffer if he loses his job
and this thread is mostly about John Kerry and my not wanting him to go on Imus' show. not just KErry but other Democrats also.

you keep making this about censorship or whatever when it's not about that. i'm not going to spend time on getting Imus to lose his show . but i will try to get Kerry and other Dems not to appear on that shit.

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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 11:20 PM
Response to Reply #26
29. By all means express your opinion to Senator Kerry about your dislike of the Imus program
and Imus' remarks, in doing so however, you have made a judgment that Imus is racist and all good people should avoid and shun him. Therefore, in a manner ruining his reputation and silence him.
I do however think Senator Kerry will consider his long term acquaintance with Imus and Imus's deposition and he will make his own decision on this matter.

IMO, I do not feel Imus deserves to be fired. Everyone is entitled to mistakes-even very bad ones. If these comments were made by a public official then I would consider them more shocking. However, coming from Imus, the bar is a lot lower. This is what goes on in the real world unfortunately and Imus represents that underbelly.
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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 11:01 PM
Response to Reply #23
27. And Cheney does exclusive interviews with Rush Limbaugh
Edited on Sat Apr-07-07 11:05 PM by ProSense
George Allen's slur exposed him as a racist, but no one is pretending that it was just the slur that did it. Did Hillary's Ghandi comment make her a racist? No, she apologized and so did Imus. His comments are base, but he's a shock jock, and I think it's disingenuous for some of the people, who let others slide, come out the way they have when I hear racists comment by so-called legitimate journalist damn near everyday. Imus is not Glen Beck, they are not in the same category. The most blunt e-mail I've ever sent to anyone regarding a racist comment was sent to Fucker Carlson. I'm not defending Imus, he's a dick, but this is a big slice of hypocrisy. There are more people outraged by his tasteless comment than were outraged by all the instances in the past year alone that Rush Limpballs insulted an African American, and the Bush admin is still doing exclusive interviews with him that is being picked up by all the media now having a field day with this story.

Racism and racist slur shouldn't be a part of our culture. If Imus goes, then I expect to see a few others follow: Fucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly.

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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 11:05 PM
Response to Reply #27
28. John Kerry and other Dems aren't going on RUsh Limbaugh
they goes on Imus. and i would prefer they didn't.

Imus has a history of racism also. this isn't something that just came out of nowhere. "nappy headed hos" isn't something that requires much analyzing on whether and how it was offensive.

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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-07-07 11:59 PM
Response to Reply #21
31. I am with you
Kerry or any dem should not stand for this. That's all I am saying.
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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-08-07 01:07 AM
Response to Reply #31
33. So you aren't willing to just except an apology and forgive the man
for a very bad comment and judgment? You want to see to it that no Democrat goes on this man's program ever again? And you have determined that he is so bad and a racist and that he deserves to be treated worse than Limbaugh and others who have insulted people also?

Let me ask you, what do you think about Rap music that treats women in a derogatory manner? How do you feel about other AA's using terms like the "N" word and Ho's to describe other AA's?

I have a daughter who is mentally retarded and if I became outraged every time someone used the word retard to insult someone, I would go around angry, bitter and sad for my daughter and what she has to endure. The word retard is an ugly, ugly word IMO. Yet, I realize that people say things without thinking and sometimes not considering how they might hurt other people. It doesn't mean I don't address the comments on behalf of my daughter and it doesn't mean I don't defend her just because I don't get angry and outraged at every mention of that word. I have found it is much better to discuss the comment with the person making it and educate them about the real people behind the word and how, even though they may not be as smart as you or I, they still have feelings and they still are hurt by careless comments. You would agree with me, that people with disabilities are discriminated against too?

Think about positive and negative ways to react to comments like the one Imus made. What are you trying to achieve in the long term?
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-08-07 01:12 AM
Response to Reply #33
34. what has any of that got to do with this ?
are Democrats playing music with the N word at their rallies ?

Al Sharpton is one of those who is being most critical of Imus and Sharpton is also a big critic of music that uses similar language.

anyways, as i said, none of this has anything to do with the OP.

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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-08-07 09:29 AM
Response to Reply #34
35. You just don't get it. Your hatred of Imus is to strong and your outage so self-focused that
you just don't get it. Other than demanding someone gets fired for saying something wrong how has this helped to eradicate racism and bring about understanding and respect? I see nothing other than fostering more resentment and fear with the course you want to pursue.
No point continuing any more dialog with you on this. You can't see the broader picture.

oh, and I wasn't replying to you.
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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-08-07 07:09 PM
Response to Reply #33
37. I would accept an apology but there needs to be consequences
Edited on Sun Apr-08-07 07:14 PM by politicasista
And I still think that Kerry should not set foot on his show. I think that he and Limpbaugh should get the same type of treatment.

As far as hip-hop goes, I am very offended by the genre itself. I think hip-hop should be dead. It was dead after the early 90s. I don't even care for it now. Hip hop was better in the 80s and early 90s before you had half-naked women shaking their butts and rappers rapping about bling-bling, and other materialistic junk. I don't even watch BET anymore for that reason only.

As a educator that works with children with special needs from time to time. (I am substitute teacher). I am very offended towards people who use the word "retard" to describe someone, even if they are not. And people who see a little bus as a "retarded bus."

Education is the key and I am sorry to hear about your daughter. :grouphug:

I still support whatever the Senator is trying to do. :) All I am just saying is that Democrats should boycott this show, and any other conservative talk shows. Kerry himself should not stand for racism, he is so much wiser not to stoop to Imus' level. The Democratic party should not stand for it either.
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TayTay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-08-07 01:32 PM
Response to Reply #31
36. This behavior is unacceptable
Edited on Sun Apr-08-07 01:35 PM by TayTay
It is not funny and should not be used to highlight how 'politically incorrect' the speaker of these words is. They are harmful and hurtful words.

We are often told that actions have consequences. These actions, these words should also have consequences. I would expect that Sen. Kerry would, at the very least, expect Imus and/or any one else on his show to recognize that what they said had consequences, was hurtful and harmful to large group of Americans and was offensive and outrageous to many more. Sen. Kerry, a man with a long and sterling record of supporting actions in this country that are meant to advance opportunities for minorities, the disenfranchised and the poor, would understand how words can be used to reinforce negative images and undo good things that have happened to advance civil rights and economic rights.

This is, after all, the same John Kerry who spoke about the war in Vietnam being so wrong because a disproportion share of poor and black Americans were being asked to bear the cost of fighting, being wounded and dying in that conflict. I would not expect Sen. Kerry to tolerate this speech were it said in front of him or to tolerate it being said about any African American. It was a very bad mistake for Imus to do this. He needs to make amends and show that he understands why he needs to make amends and not just mouth the words to get out of the controversy.
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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-08-07 07:10 PM
Response to Reply #36
38. You summed it up better than I
And that's all I am saying.
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WildEyedLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-08-07 10:21 PM
Response to Reply #38
39. I agree with you n/t
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saracat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-09-07 01:58 PM
Response to Reply #36
40. I agree and I also think he should do something meaningful to
Edited on Mon Apr-09-07 01:59 PM by saracat
apologize. Maybe do something for the girls team ,or what not. His limp apology alone is not going to cut it. I don't agree with his being fired because that would smack of censorship, but the loss of his listening and TV audience could force him off the air.That being said, I would wish the same on Glenn Beck and Limbaugh. I also agree that until he cleans up his act, no one should be on his show.It just sets a bad precedent.
I really admire John Edwards stance in refusing to debate on Fox.If more of our politico's adopted the same stance, we would be better off IMHO.
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