Edited on Thu Feb-10-05 11:47 AM by TayTay
Roll Call has an article in today's ish about the new PAC John Kerry has formed. It will be called Keeping America's Promise PAC (or KAP.)It will have a particular focus on grassroots efforts to rebuild the Dems.
Fundraising for this new PAC will start in April and cannot use any of the funds left over from the last election.
From the article:
"The goal is to provide a vehicle for the millions of Americans who share Sen. Kerry's vision for the country and want to promote this vision and fight for the issues that they care deeply about," said John Giesser, who will be the executive director of the new venture, and will also be charged with managing Kerry's overall political portfolio.
Later on the article says....
KAP will not begin active fundraising until early April and at that point will start from zero. Although Kerry has $15 million in leftover funds from the 2004 campaign, those monies cannot be transferred to the new organization.
Giesser said that the e-mail appeal is indicative of the kind of activities with which the PAC will be involved throughout the cycle, which will include advancing Kerry's larger policy agenda, and making contributions to state and national parties and individual candidates.
"We will continue to build the party at the grass roots so that there is an opportunity for volunteers to be active on a year-round basis," said Giesser.
One of the first activities for the new PAC will be to help fund a soon-to-be announced national stumping tour by Kerry to promote his KidsFirst plan, which seeks to extend health insurance to the 11 million children that are not currently covered.
End of article quote.
Hmmm, this sounds great! I told you that you would have a chance to see JK in other parts of the country. (I told you so! I told you so!) So, what say you to all of this?