Just as a way of keeping score in the 109th (Weasel) Congress:
Sen. Kerry voted against Condoliar Rice's appointment in committe and then in the general vote.
Why: From Meet The Press Jan 20th, 2005
RUSSERT: But you voted against Condoleezza Rice to be secretary of state. That’s not finding common ground. She is qualified to hold that job, no? KERRY: Yes, and I said so. But I also said that she was a principal architect, implementer and defender of a policy that has made the United States of America less secure in the world. And that was a fight that was central to my campaign. It is central to what I think is one of the major issues that faces our country. And I think it’s important to have accountability. I paid her a great tribute for her journey of life. I mean, I think she’s a remarkable person. And I think she’s obviously accomplished a great deal. But I wasn’t voting on whether she was just qualified. I was voting on the judgments that she brought to the table. I was voting on the answers that she gave us in committee. And I was voting on the vision that she offered to the country. And I found all three, frankly, faulty.
One of only 2 to vote against in Committee One of only 13 to vote against in the full Sente vote
*********************************** Sen. Kerry voted against confirming Alberto Gonzales to be Attorney General of the United States because of his writings in support of torture as official policy of the United States.
One of 36 to vote against in the full Senate vote.
Sen. Kerry voted against gutting the legal right of Americans to sue in class action lawsuits in State Courts. This shameful legislation is a giveawy to the rich corporate friends of Rethugs and part of the long-term plans of Rethugs to defund the left by taking away money given to Dems by Trail Attorneys. (That this is also shameful beyond words and a slap in the face to that most American of notions that every American can have a day in court is also part of the outrage.)
One of only 26 Democrats (actual real-life Dems, btw) to vote against this outrage. (No Dem should have ever voted for this. Ever.)
Obviously, more to come. But he is so far batting 1,000 as a 'Real Liberal Democrat' in 2005.