The speech is at the DNC All the links are at's my notes on the press conference:
Not to run in 2008; He says he's not going to run in 2008.
Transition team. Religious outreach, reaching out to the evangelical community, evangelicals who consider themselves Democrats.
South and west. Living in red states for a while. People are skeptical. So show up and talk and say what you believe.
SS bankrupt by 2042. Is federal govt bankrupt by that definition. Not bankrupt by 2042. Trust Funds run down, pay 70-80% out of general fund. Inflames the debate. We need to do something. It is not borrow $2 Trillion, President's plan does nothing to save it. President is heading in the wrong direction, leadership thinks so as well.
Clear message, people will understand what Democrats believe in. Americans are really more aligned with Democrats. JK got more votes than anybody in the history of America, save GB. We did an incredible job. They have people in place for 20 years knocking on doors.
Image. Not reply to blind quotes. First people to endorse him were from the south.
Nobody is pro-abortion. Abortion has risen. A woman has a right to make up her own mind on health care.
Al Sharpton. Don't respond to blind quotes.
Politication of the Catholic Church. Church divided. Many nuns said "we're with you". Remind Catholic Americans of the social mission. Camel/needle quote. Religious outreach will include Americans of all faiths and explain why we think deeply religious Americans should support us.
Tax exemption. Social responsibility.
Not going to get into policy issues. Proper place to deal with Iraq is in Congress and with the Democratic leadership. Re Iraq.