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I've been out of the loop.

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livvy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-12-05 07:04 PM
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I've been out of the loop.
I have a male bouvier stud dog. He just recently sired a litter of 12 puppies. The breeder, who has had litters before, was like a deer caught in the headlights with 12. We (another breeder friend of mine) and I went to see the puppies last Saturday, and could not believe what we found. These puppies were filthy, the area around them was filthy, and they were contained in an area that was not sufficient for the growth and development of 8 week old puppies. We gave all the puppies a bath, a puppy haircut, and insisted she cleaned up their area. Normally her puppies are sold before they're even born. She has no buyers for any of these puppies. We were just freaked out! She's had litters before, and never acted like this with them. So anyway, I offered to foster two of the puppies until she could find them a home. I have three bouviers at home now, and with the 2 puppies, I've been very busy. By the time I get home from work, take care of them and my other dogs, I'm so exhausted, I check in here, but don't have the energy to post or even read half of what is posted. I'm feeling definitely out of the loop. I've made it my ambition to keep track of the dimwit and his misdeeds, and I feel like I'm falling down on the job. Aaacckkk! Anyway, I just wanted to let you Kerrycrats know I haven't been abducted or taken off to one of the dimwit's camps. Later....
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ginnyinWI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-12-05 08:09 PM
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1. don't worry
we'll keep tracking the dimwit for ya! Happy puppying!
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