I remember the Freepers trying to make something of the footage of Kerry leaving the Senate, as if he were running. No, actually, everyone else was running. He was walking calmly and looking at the sky. I remember the quote you mention. His staff said he was furious at what he considered "an act of war." How it must kill him that we've let Osama bin Forgotten go.
I think that's why these war votes are hard for him, and why he's not the Kerry of 71 when it comes to Iraq or the subject of terrorism. He was on point for so long regarding terrorism, giving speeches on it as far back as 1997, knowing what he does about international crime. He knows the problem, he knows what solutions should be taken, and all the other side can do is try and make him look like a buffoon, while quietly actually taking his advice. Well, he's not the buffoon, Bush is. Kerry's right. If they would have done the things he said when he said them, they'd be in better shape now.
Yesterday, some of the posters didn't understand (no duh). Kerry wasn't getting all warm and fuzzy because Bush was taking his advice. It's more like they're stealing his ideas and not giving him credit for coming up with the right path. He's correct alot of the time, but they could never tell that to him to his face, or even invite him in to advise. Oh no, God forbid. But somebody is paying attention enough to try and enact what Kerry suggests. Even so, they'll muck it up in the end.
One of the most disheartening things I've read in recent memory was what Bush Co. has done to the CIA. Hersch, I think, said that it has gone from being an information gathering agency to being a faciliating agency. Bush Co. doesn't want to know what's really happening in the world. They just want the CIA to find reasons for them to do what they want to in the world, whether reality supports it or not.
It must frustrate the living hell out of Kerry that Bush Co will never understand properly, nor correct properly, the problem of terrorism in the world.
I can imagine if the shit hits the fan as I suspect it will, the American people will be so sick of the subject of terrorism that they won't even want the next President to mention it. So the problem of international terrorism STILL won't be handled properly. Our credibility and our ability to act properly will be damaged by this adminstration, and it's going to take a long time to get it back.
I just thought of a quote from "An American President" something about the president thinking his opponent didn't "get it" and realizing that his problem was not that he didn't "get it", but that he couldn't sell it. Sounds like Bush Co. to me.