I arrived back at my dorm at UCSB around 9 PM on Sunday night, amidst pouring rain. The Mock Trial regional tournament that I attended lasted two days. The first day it was held at the Federal District Courthouse in downtown LA. We had two trials that day, against UC Santa Cruz and UCLA respectfully.
Both teams were good, but the UCLA team was incredible. Although I must say that their oral arguments seemed very over-the-top and contrived to me. It was almost like it was stagecraft to them. They seemed quite arrogant as well.
The next day, the tournament was held at USC's law school. There, we faced another UCLA team. Again I was taken aback by their skill, but also by their thinly veiled contempt for our team. We gave them a run for their money though. One of our lawyers had great objections and delivered an amazing opening argument.
At the end of the day, our team didn't win a bid to go to the national competition in Des Moines. But one of our lawyers still received an award for his outstanding performance, receiving perfect scores from all the judges. Mock Trial is still only 2 years old at our school and I'm sure we will definitely kick some more ass next year. (ya hear that UCLA?)