on that other thread. I've been a vegetarian at different times in my life, too, for several years at a time ... it's just always been too hard for me to stay with it when I've been cooking for a carnivorous family. If I were by myself, I'd probably not eat much meat at all.
As for PETA, I agree with them about the fur farms, caged chickens, a lot of animal research, and so on. I just thought that they had gone a little overboard with trying to tell Alaskans that they should ban king salmon fishing. For the Natives in the villages, salmon is their subsistence, what they live on. The commercial fisheries are a big part of our economy, probably second only to the oil. Wild Pacific salmon is so much better than the farmed Atlantic fish, both in taste and healthwise. Sport fishing is a big part of our tourist draw, as well -- also an economic factor.
Another thing is that when the fish are in the rivers, they're getting ready to die anyway. They spawn and then they die, so it's not like we're really cutting their lives short or anything by fishing for them. Maybe it seems cruel to hook them, but soon enough their skin is going to be rotting and falling off anyway, and they're just as likely to be eaten by a bear or something as to be caught by a sport fisherman. Sometimes we see live spawned out king salmon, rotting away, but still managing to move somehow, with seagulls already starting to tear off their flesh. It's not a pretty picture. It almost seems more respectful to the fish to catch him when he first comes into the river and is bright and silver, take him home, cook him up, and please all the happy tummies.
So anyway, that was the only point I was trying to make, and I certainly respect you for your own choices.