I just thought I would raise this question here. Since 2000 there has been a lot of talk about if or not the Dems take African-Americans for granted. Beacuse I am an AA, this issue is somewhat so-so for me. As I said in my introduction, I was ABB until after the DNC and decided to support Kerry (no not reluctantly like some) the rest of the way. Since the election ended, I have noticed that because things didn't go our way like we had hope, people (not just here at DU, but everywhere else) are taking cheap shots, or slinging mean-spirited personal attacks on Kerry. I feel that it's unfair that Kerry is taking so much heat for not challenging the Ohio electors, and supposedly "not taking the fraud issue seriously."
Even Jesse Jackson, who worked in the campaign the last two months said that Kerry's concession "betrayed the trust of the voters." Even Tavis Smiley (who does commentary on the Tom Joyner Morning Show--black radio) was laughing at Kerry for mentioning how African-Americans were disenfranchised on Martin Luther King day instead of on the campaign trail. He also accused Kerry of "pandering to Black churches for black votes" instead of doing so on the campaign trail.
I know that Tavis was a very outspoken critic of Kerry, and the campaign. (I think he was still somewhat bitter over him not being one of the senators to stand with the Congressional Black Caucus and challenge the 2000 election). I know he likes Clinton, so I don't know.
All of this leads me to think that we (AA) played right into Smirky's hands with this "Kerry don't connect with me like Clinton did," "I don't like Kerry, but I don't like Bush." "Kerry's dry, boring, stiff, etc." "Could we re-elect Bill Clinton again?" and so on. Even worse believing the vicious, right-wing media character assults on Kerry. A lot of people think the campaingn could have done more to reach out to AA, but they did ok. (It could have been better, but still ok.).
In conclusion, all this Kerry bashing has just really turned me off. Sure mistakes were made, but bashing him will not make things better. The more they hate on him, the more I appreciate him.
Sorry for the long post. Thanks for reading.