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Okay, sometimes DU shows us the love

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TayTay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-24-05 02:05 PM
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Okay, sometimes DU shows us the love
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ginnyinWI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-24-05 02:52 PM
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1. there's still a lot of latent Kerry loyalty out there
Edited on Thu Feb-24-05 02:53 PM by ginnyinWI
Especially if they keep seeing him fighting the good fight.

edit: down the thread a guy questioned the original poster's motivations: it's true that the way he worded his post, he could be a freeper. not sure, so I didn't comment. :shrug:
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angrydemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-24-05 04:21 PM
Response to Original message
2. LOL Tay Tay
You are a master a pushing those buttons. But in all seriousness something needs to be done to stop all this ignorant bullshit. It is nothing but a bunch of damn smears and anyone that truly knows Kerry or anything about him know it is all damn smears. There is no truth to any of this bullshit at all. If there was any dirt at all to be gotten on Kerry it would have been done back in 71' when he had Nixon and his whole damn administration so damn pissed that they were out to destroy him and there is proof of that on the damn tapes. They would have given anything and I do mean anything to find any kind of dirt on Kerry. That is what makes all of this shit so damn laughable. And when you see people that cannot think beyond the tip of their damn nose and realize how damn phony and stupid all this is just shows how ignorant people in this country have become.

If Nixon were living he would probably be shaking his head and asking himself where in the hell were all the dumbasses when I needed them. I mean get real people this is so damn stupid and obvious that I would hang my head in shame if i were one of the dumbasses falling for it. People need to wake the hell up and look at the damn facts and not the damn propaganda that a bunch of right wing lying neocons are putting out their trying to destroy anyone who might oppose them. And as long as you have as many dumbasses as we have in this country falling for it the shit will continue. Why the hell would they stop when they are succeeding in what they want to do. You have to blame all the dumbasses in this country for believing the lies as you do those who go around spreading them.

But some of the facts are:

1)This is a fight that started back well over 30 years ago over Vietnam and power and has continued.

2)Kerry was one of the main people and most important people to bring to light what was truly going on and helped to get it stopped.

3)Kerry has been hated by those who were in power and those that had a ego problem over the Vietnam war every since then.

4)Nixon and his administration made it clear they wanted to destroy Kerry because he was there problem to succeeding in there bullshit dirty deeds. (Listen to the tapes)

5)The Nixon Administration had the FBI and the CIA constantly watching every move Kerry made, they were mingled in with the other veterans to try to get any information they could and what plans that the veterans had so the White House could destroy them before those plans were put into action, They had Kerry's phone lines tapped so that they could listen to all his conversations. Hell he couldn't even talk to his wife without people listening.

6)Things were done to Kerry trying to get him to stop what he was doing, including a damn brick being thrown through a window of his home that landed next to the baby bassinet and had it hit his daughter it would most likely killed her. (Now if had any of this bullshit they are saying today had been true do you think they would have had to go this far? Why hell no.)

7)The Nixon administration was so damn furious at the success Kerry was having at getting his message across they always kept plotting against Kerry trying to destroy him and were willing to do whatever it took to destroy him. They knew Kerry had great credibility as a veteran and was a highly decorated veteran on top of all that. They had all ready check in to all that. (Now this bullshit about a dishonorable discharge is exactly that pure BULLSHIT! Because had he had a dishonorable discharge Nixon and all his people would have used that against him right then and there. And this was before Carter was ever in office so to bring President Carter into any of this shit to me is just more damn proof that these sorry as bastards are out to destroy any and all who disagree with their right wing necon sorry asses! And how people could believe this dumbass shit is beyond me.)

8)The Nixon administration is still trying to figure out a way to discredit Kerry and they see a navy vet on TV speaking out at a press conference and that has a ego problem with what Kerry and other vets are doing. So they figure it might work if they got this dumbass on their side and by him also being a vet people would listen to him instead of Kerry and the other vets. So they bring him to the White House to "buck up" this idiot pawn they were getting to try to destroy Kerry. (Listen to the tapes) They bring this idiot there he is there for around a hour and then the set it up for him to debate Kerry on the Dick Cavett show.

9)The show was unsuccessful on their part because the idiot they hired O'Neill only succeeds in showing a major ego problem and a person who is trying to misrepresent the facts and was more worried about winning a war than what real problem with what was happening and why. O'Neill was one of these that couldn't stand the thoughts of losing. (O'Neill became disillusioned with politics after the fall of Saigon in 1975. And he has harbored resentment of Kerry ever since) Anyhow on the show O'Neill was red hot mad and visibly angry makes remarks intended to taunt Kerry. Kerry was just the opposite he instead was calm and intellectual and said what he and all the veterans had been saying, stood his ground with O'Neill, and said why veterans were doing what they were. Needless to say it didn't destroy Kerry like Nixon and his people want. (What the show and see for yourself)

10)Members of the Nixon administration have spoke out on this issue since the years have passed and many of them have said themselves that they did everything they could to dig up dirt on Kerry and there was no dirt to be found. Some have said they tried to make dirt by bringing on their idiot O'Neill. But one of the latest interviews was with Colson in 2003. Colson himself said they repeatedly tried to dig up dirt on Kerry and the efforts failed. Colson went on to say that if they would have found anything at all negative about him they would have used it to discredit Kerry.

Now if Nixon and his administration, the FBI, the CIA, and all the damn phony's (including the idiot pawn O'Neill) the White House hired couldn't dig up any dirt on Kerry's war record and "so-called" wrong doings then when they were trying so damn hard that they would have paid any amount of money to do it, and at the time Kerry was not a famous politician that had friends in high places to get help he was just one of the regular dudes fighting for a cause, for peace and unable to fight these bastards the way he can today, then why in the hell did all this bullshit and I repeat "BULLSHIT" not come out then? I will tell you why because as I said it is nothing but pure "BULLSHIT" that didn't exist, it is a bunch of damn lies made up by a bunch of damn dumbass right wing neocon assholes and a bunch of dumbasses that still hold a grudge to this very day over Vietnam and all are out to destroy anyone that doesn't agree with them. And you have to blame the dumbasses that believe the shit as much as you do them when it is obvious what the hell is going on.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-24-05 05:11 PM
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3. This guy is rumored to be a big spender and a bit of a player.
Edited on Thu Feb-24-05 05:14 PM by blm
I wonder if he was planning some bigtime partying with that 18,000.

Sorry....this post was meant for another board. Don't know how it ended up here.
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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-24-05 05:11 PM
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4. Would MA have let him be a prosecutor
What always seemed dumb about the whole idea that he had a less than honorable discharge until Carter "fixed" it in 1978 is that he already was a prosecutor (and obviously a lawyer) in 1976.

This may kind of explain Kerry's caution in wanting to see everything in his file first before making it public. This story seems totally concocted because they didn't believe the 1978 date. But they ignored that Nixon's team would simply have sent out documentation of the discharge to every newspaper in the country in April, 1971 or at least to the MA papers in 1972, way easier than what they did. Nixon could have gone to sleep earlier on election night.

I just hope this is a lone idiot who couldn't thing of a good topic, not, as some seemed to suggest, the start of going after Kerry again. Didn't Mr "Born again" Colson make a big production of apologizing to Kerry only a few years ago? - where was this phony hypocrite last summer and fall. If he was truly sorry, isn't he suppose to make amends? Can he be born another time?
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TayTay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-24-05 08:25 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. I have been wonking out again and I think they are gunning
for Kerry again. I just spent some lovely time reading Sen. Kerry's remarks during the HHS 2006 Budget hearing and the SBA budget hearing last week and he is well and truly pissed off at the Bushies. So, since they are weasels and carrion vultures of the lowest order, they are trying, yet again to slime a good man. And we ain't gonna let it happen again. (Over my dead Dem body.)

And this stuff reads way, way better than even the Condiliar Rice remarks during her confirmation hearings. Way, way better. Kerry is now a truly pissed-off guy. And he knows where the Thugs in this Admin have buried the bodies and he is doing his best to not let them get away with it. It was a beautiful thing.

Has anybody else read this stuff? I can get transcripts. It's a wonderful thing to read. (Because those f*cking bastards in the Admin are trying to zero fund the programs that actually work and Kerry knows it and he reamed Sec. Barreto a new one over it. (It was wonk heaven. Sigh!) Oh gawd, read the HHS Budget 06 transcript. That one's even better. He nailed Sec. Leavitt (Former Gov of Utah) for the atrocious job the Admin has done spending the money that Congress approved for outreach to get children covered in healthcare. (And the Admin program is called Cover the Kids. Hmmmm.)

Oh, you simply must read these. Sigh! There are certain times when I really, really wonder what I did in a past life to have a Senator that good rep me in Congress. (Sigh! Snap out of it woman, it's very wonky. Yeah, but Sigh!)
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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-24-05 11:10 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Those hearings sound interesting. I'd love to read them
Although I had read and heard often during the campaign that Kerry was a skilled, very talented prosecutor, but I couldn't believe that he could, with a very pleasant and polite demeanor ask questions (sometimes many times in a row) that really put Rice on the record. His comments at the end about bipartisanship being a tradition were great.

Seeing this I can't understand how the Republicans thought they could do better on the foreign affairs,security debate. I doubt they could have found anything he wouldn't have a totally knowledgeable answer to.

I really hope they aren't going to reknew their attacks, but with 2 in one day, it looks like they are. Why they want him angry is beyond me, it seems to only make him fight more.

Also, you would think if they keep bringing up 1971/1972, someone will take the opportunity to revisit what Kerry did (good) and what Nixon did (bad). I don't know how the Republicans get away with some attempts to rewrite history.
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TayTay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-25-05 07:48 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. Well, the full transcript is
split between the Rethug and Dem site for SBA. Here is the opening Kerry statement:

The Senate transcript for the Finance Ommittee is not yet posted on the public sites. It is quite long, so I would need to e-mail it or post it somewhere besides this forum in order for people to access it. Any suggestions?
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