...target, IMHO. "We shall see if we pass this test or if we retreat to a place of hollow inaction and platitudes..." That, to me, is what is frightening, because we don't know yet the exact consequences of exposing the truth. I think we DO, however, know the consequences of inaction...continued degradation of our values as a people. That is intolerable to me.
Back in 2006, I posted this in response to a DU member who was afraid the actions of the Bush Administration were causing us to lose our precious country. My post to her:
Stay strong...
...I too worry for our country, but it needs ALL of us "now, more than ever"...Kerry's words. I thought it was horrible when they stopped the recount in 2000; worse still on 9/11; and I've been so sad since November 3, 2004. That was the first election in which I tried to do more than just vote...I had to (I drove to Las Vegas as a volunteer in a 'swing state'). If Kerry had lost and I hadn't done ANYTHING to make a difference, I couldn't live with myself.
This country is not dying...too many of us won't let it. I think it IS being tested. Ultimately, that will make us stronger. It sure is painful, though, right now. The most difficult thing for me is the lack of awareness of people closest to me...my family and my friends. In the beginning, they thought I was just in denial about the election. But I've 'become' the news for them...I forward news articles (from sources THEY trust) that they otherwise would never see. I've been buying books (Jimmy Carter's, Joe Wilson's, Gary Hart's) and sharing them when I'm done. Then I talk to them about why I'm upset with this administration. They don't always agree, yet. But it's a start. I'm convinced that education is the key to saving our country.
I am most hopeful because our leaders are now speaking out...not enough, yet...and not as 'brazenly' as I wish...but better every day! They are educating the public. That tells me they understand what is needed and are now acting to turn the country in a better direction. But it's like turning an aircraft carrier...REALLY SLOW. :7 When I need a lift, I listen to John Kerry's Georgetown Speech (C-SPAN), and his Council on Foreign Relations speech, and now Al Gore's most recent speech on the wiretaps. (If you've missed ANY of those, you need to listen...they are INSPIRATIONAL ! !
_____, I've enjoyed your posts since I joined DU. Your information helped me when I was seeking answers. Don't give up. We'll get there...this is a GREAT country (most of the time)...and we're not finished yet.
It was around this time when I added my sig line. Try as I do, I haven't been able to change it yet: