Edited on Fri May-01-09 07:42 AM by karynnj
Bill Nelson is now a sponsor too, which means there are 31 Senate sponsors. It is also interesting that of the SFRC,neither Kerry (or Dodd the next highest Democrat) or Lugar are on board. It was referred to the banking committee, not the SFRC, even though it would clearly be a foreign policy tool. The chair,Dodd, and Ranking Member of Banking are not sponsors either - nor the next 2 senior Democrats, Johnson and Reed or the next Republican, Bennett. There are a lot of the Democrats on the SFRC here - Feingold, Boxer, Menendez, Cardin, and Gillibrand - and one junior Republican, Risch (Id). It is interesting that this bill has so many sponsors and does not have the support of the leadership in SFRC or Banking, the two most related committees. (But Kyl/Lieberman was not sponsored by any of the committee leadership either.) Out of curiosity, I checked who sponsored Kyl/Lieberman - and found that it did not have the broad sponsorship this does. It's sponsors were: Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. - 9/20/2007 Sen Coleman, Norm - 9/20/2007 Sen Alexander, Lamar - 9/24/2007 Sen Ensign, John - 9/25/2007 Sen Graham, Lindsey - 9/25/2007 Sen Corker, Bob - 9/26/2007 Sen Thune, John - 9/26/2007 Sen McCain, John - 9/26/2007
But, there was a bill, that went nowhere, that had broad based support (including Obama and Kerry)
S.970 Title: A bill to impose sanctions on Iran and on other countries for assisting Iran in developing a nuclear program, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Sen Smith, Gordon H. (introduced 3/22/2007) Cosponsors (72) Related Bills: H.R.3390, S.3227 Latest Major Action: 4/8/2008 Senate committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Committee on Finance. Hearings held. COSPONSORS(72), ALPHABETICAL : (Sort: by date)
Sen Akaka, Daniel K. - 6/6/2007 Sen Alexander, Lamar - 6/3/2008 Sen Allard, Wayne - 4/24/2007 Sen Barrasso, John - 1/22/2008 Sen Baucus, Max - 1/22/2008 Sen Bayh, Evan - 3/22/2007 Sen Bennett, Robert F. - 4/18/2007 Sen Boxer, Barbara - 5/24/2007 Sen Brown, Sherrod - 4/26/2007 Sen Brownback, Sam - 3/22/2007 Sen Bunning, Jim - 4/25/2007 Sen Burr, Richard - 5/10/2007 Sen Cantwell, Maria - 4/18/2007 Sen Cardin, Benjamin L. - 4/12/2007 Sen Carper, Thomas R. - 9/6/2007 Sen Casey, Robert P., Jr. - 5/8/2007 Sen Chambliss, Saxby - 6/27/2007 Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham - 4/26/2007 Sen Coleman, Norm - 3/22/2007 Sen Collins, Susan M. - 4/17/2007 Sen Conrad, Kent - 4/11/2007 Sen Corker, Bob - 6/4/2007 Sen Cornyn, John - 5/7/2007 Sen Craig, Larry E. - 4/10/2007 Sen Crapo, Mike - 4/11/2007 Sen DeMint, Jim - 6/18/2007 Sen Dodd, Christopher J. - 3/28/2007 Sen Dole, Elizabeth - 4/11/2007 Sen Dorgan, Byron L. - 5/22/2007 Sen Durbin, Richard - 3/22/2007 Sen Ensign, John - 5/7/2007 Sen Graham, Lindsey - 5/1/2007 Sen Hutchison, Kay Bailey - 6/4/2007 Sen Inhofe, James M. - 5/23/2007 Sen Inouye, Daniel K. - 4/20/2007 Sen Isakson, Johnny - 5/10/2007 Sen Johnson, Tim - 6/11/2007 Sen Kennedy, Edward M. - 8/3/2007 Sen Kerry, John F. - 5/15/2007 Sen Klobuchar, Amy - 4/17/2007 Sen Kohl, Herb - 5/24/2007 Sen Kyl, Jon - 3/22/2007 Sen Landrieu, Mary L. - 4/18/2007 Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. - 3/22/2007 Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. - 3/22/2007 Sen Lincoln, Blanche L. - 7/11/2007 Sen Lott, Trent - 3/23/2007 Sen Martinez, Mel - 6/26/2007 Sen McCain, John - 4/24/2007 Sen McConnell, Mitch - 6/20/2007 Sen Menendez, Robert - 3/22/2007 Sen Mikulski, Barbara A. - 3/22/2007 Sen Murkowski, Lisa - 6/13/2007 Sen Murray, Patty - 6/28/2007 Sen Nelson, Bill - 6/4/2007 Sen Nelson, E. Benjamin - 5/15/2007 Sen Obama, Barack - 4/24/2007 Sen Pryor, Mark L. - 7/12/2007 Sen Roberts, Pat - 4/11/2007 Sen Salazar, Ken - 4/25/2007 Sen Schumer, Charles E. - 6/27/2007 Sen Sessions, Jeff - 4/17/2007 Sen Snowe, Olympia J. - 5/22/2007 Sen Stabenow, Debbie - 5/24/2007 Sen Stevens, Ted - 5/22/2007 Sen Sununu, John E. - 5/23/2007 Sen Tester, Jon - 5/7/2007 Sen Thune, John - 3/22/2007 Sen Vitter, David - 4/10/2007 Sen Voinovich, George V. - 6/26/2007 Sen Whitehouse, Sheldon - 8/2/2007 Sen Wicker, Roger F. - 4/15/2008
The text of Bayh's bill is not yet available - though I assume it has to exist or 30 Senators wouldn't have signed on. So, it is impossible to know precisely what it says, but this list of sponsors includes many who were sponsors of the other Iran sanctions bill, but who voted against Kyl/Lieberman.