I admit to taking a peak at Twitter by Jake Tapper. He is the ultimate MSM Man. He fancies himself a pretty big star, and that what he tweats will be read by the minions. This is depressing:
http://twitter.com/jaketapperwhen i say "we" should have had these debates, i mean politicians and the media...i know lots of u were having them
about 1 hour ago from web
was expressing an appreciation of free speech and a substantive moment for the nation - we shld have had these debates in 2001/2002 etc
about 1 hour ago from web
i'm saying that for one sec we shld appreciate that we live in a country where debating serious issues on national security is possible
about 1 hour ago from web
to say im praising a debate on whether brutal interrogation methods considered torture by the intl cmte of the red cross is unfair
about 1 hour ago from web
Not 2 be corny, but on that level, we all should all feel proud of today. Lots of places in this world where this debate is impossible.
about 1 hour ago from web
in all honesty, this is a great thing for America. a substantive debate on an important issue. Two distinct worldviews.
about 1 hour ago from web
I think I want to puke. I believe we had this debate, and the Republicans chose a non-torture guy in '08 and Democrats never supported torture. Yet Mr. Tapper is giddy, patting the media on the back for showing this wonderful, wonderful debate. This is just sick. Gee, if the media was so fond of dueling debates, they would have covered Kerry's Dissent speech.