Because McCain will most definitely not run for POTUS again, his people are free to get the truth out about Palin sooner than Kerry staffers could do the same about Edwards. It is clear that although Edwards was not the big disaster for the ticket Palin was, it seems Kerry staffers got an inkling to what kind of character JRE had, and wanted to make sure he did not get the Dem nomination in 2008. This was before his affair, of course, but it seems there were serious problems with him during the 2004 campaign.
First, McCain/Palin. In addition to the Vanity Fair article, these internal e-mails are really quite stunning: Schmidt's reaction makes me feel that the Republicans are not TOTALLY insane. Hell, he sounds like a bunch of liberal bloggers here:
Palin sends an e-mail cc'd to a lot of people where she tells a blatant lie:
"That's not part of their platform and he was only a 'member' bc independent alaskans too often check that 'Alaska Independent' box on voter registrations thinking it just means non partisan. He caught his error when changing our address and checked the right box. I still want it fixed."
Check out this reply by Schmidt:
"Secession. It is their entire reason for existence. A cursory examination of the website shows that the party exists for the purpose of seceding from the union. That is the stated goal on the front page of the web site. Our records indicate that todd was a member for seven years. If this is incorrect then we need to understand the discrepancy. The statement you are suggesting be released would be innaccurate. The innaccuracy would bring greater media attention to this matter and be a distraction. According to your staff there have been no media inquiries into this and you received no questions about it during your interviews. If you are asked about it you should smile and say many alaskans who love their country join the party because it speeks to a tradition of political independence. Todd loves his country
We will not put out a statement and inflame this and create a situation where john has to adress this."
As Andrew Sullivan says: are the words of a sane professional grappling with smeone who can only be called a pathological whack-job, unable to accept criticism and responding to it with pathetic untruths and diva-flame-outs and personal vendettas. This person could have been a heartbeat away from being president of the United States in a moment of economic crisis and national security peril. Her selection remains the most surreal moment in modern American political history. That she is a serious candidate to be the GOP nominee in 2012 is a sign of something very, very seriously wrong with the contemporary American right.
Clearly, Edwards was not as bad as Palin, but he still lacked basic tenets of a good character and was a total liar after the 2004 campaign. Although much of it will be sleazy, Andrew Young, Edwards's aid, is going to put out a book that will include info on the clashing that happened during the 2004 campaign. We mustn't forget this: -- As he campaigns for president based on his aggressive criticisms of President Bush, John Edwards, a former Democratic vice presidential nominee, has said repeatedly that he had wanted to fight back against attacks on his 2004 running mate, John F. Kerry, but was stopped by the Kerry camp.
Edwards, who first made the statement in interviews after the 2004 race, has repeated it recently in private meetings with party donors as he seeks to contrast his "backbone" with Democratic rivals whom he portrays as unwilling to confront Bush over the Iraq war.
But Kerry and more than a half-dozen former high-ranking Kerry-Edwards campaign officials dispute the idea that Edwards favored a tougher strategy in 2004, and maintain that Edwards often refused their requests to make sharper attacks against Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
The former campaign aides said Kerry made a personal appeal to Edwards in a face-to-face meeting in Ohio in early September 2004, and Edwards vowed to turn up the heat on their Republican opponents.
But the vice presidential nominee, who had presented himself as a campaigner with a positive message, continued to shy away from aggressive attacks, according to the former aides, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were describing internal campaign communications.
Indeed, Edwards responded to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth political advertisements only after Kerry delivered the first blow.
This forum has had its ups and downs discussing Edwards. But given all that we know now, picking him seems to be Kerry's greatest mistake in 2004. Not as disastrous a mistake as it was for McCain who picked Palin, but I do see some parallel here, and frankly, I am not going to walk around on eggshells about this fact anymore.