the very few people posting the Fox news and unsourced HP threads had it existed a bit earlier.
I don't think the amount of comments is likely more significant to the number of people seeing things than the number of recommends, though that is important. I noticed that few people actually followed those OPs in hitting Kerry - but those people repeated themselves ad nauseum - without appearing to confince many others.
I've used search on many of them and most seem to be either Nader people, who really will not agree with ANY Democrat and who we can't win over and some former Edwards people. (As more and more truth comes out, these people may become less hostile.)
The treatment of Kerry is unique - and not all negative. He is held to standards that no one else is, but part of that is an expectation that more is expected of him. To use the recent example, there was less outright anger at Schumer, who actually spoke positively of co-opts and was clearly working with Snowe - but, there was very very little defense and what negatives there were were (wall street tool etc) were not disputed. It is true that DU has their brief periods of adulation for politicians - Whitehouse being the current one, but those fade. (I never thought I would see negative Feingold posts - but there have been many.)
I think the impact of all the last 4 plus year Kerry posts, is that more people view him positively than negatively - and many now list him when they create short lists of "good" guys. In general, his honesty, integrity, seriousness and the quality of his work are pretty much accepted - except by a few outliers. Other than the Obamas, there are very few people who are - overall - treated better.