and wrote this in that other thread:
Dear Mr. Smarty Pants Eastern Liberal Elite Senate Guy, John Kerry of Esquire and the Senate:
Todd and I both know what it's like when a DEAD fish doesn't go with the flow!!!! I was THINKING of my own wise words about QUITTING and dead FISH when I read your typically ELITIST attack on my post. I should have known that the LIBERAL media/Senate/Department of Law types would use unfair attacks full of LOGIC and stuff like that to like attack me for caring about jobs and stuff!!!!
Everyone knows that the way you get a clean environment is to PASS the ball to the point guard who keeps her EYE on DRILLING and COAL and other burny/fuely type stuff like that and can score the BASKETS of energy OPPORTUNITY!!! Our former Senator, Ted Stevens, used to go to the Senate floor to battle you liberals with his FLAMING HULK tie, which you disrespected by not noticing it or letting it BOTHER you. Now, because the POINT GUARD had no one to intercept the ball, we have NO drilling. Think about that Mr. SENATOR!!!!
In the future, I hope you leave your liberal, eastern ENVIRONMENT stuff back home in Masserchewzitz. If GOD loved Masserchewzitz, he would have given you feuly/burny stuff of your OWN to DRILL, but he didn't and now you have to stop us from NOT sharing ours. Meanie!!!!!! I know they fish in your state, in between being all GAY and everything, so you should go FIND and watch the dead fish and figure out the SECRET of energy policy and making PASSES before you SOLDIER on by quitting. Todd and I did, and I know that America wants me to share this knowledge with them.
God Bless!!!!!!!
Sarah Palin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!