I got the info via some RW blogger, but then googled and found it in the Hartford Courant:
http://blogs.courant.com/capitol_watch/2009/07/simmons-simmons-and-swift-boat.htmlSimmons, Simmons and Swift Boats...
Combing through Republican senatorial candidate Rob Simmons' recent campaign finance report, state Democrats have uncovered a $4,800 donation from Harold Simmons.
Harold Simmons -- no relation to Rob -- is the same guy who gave $2 million in 2004 to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which ran ads attacking Democrat John Kerry's Vietnam record. Last year, Harold Simmons donated $3 million to the group responsible for an ad tying Barack Obama to former '60s radical William Ayers.
"Harold Simmons helped smear a man who served valiantly in Vietnam and attempted to paint as a domestic terrorist another man, who happens to be our country's President,'' Colleen Flanagan, spokeswoman for state Democrats said in a press release.
Dodd made mistakes, but he has been working hard on things like credit card reform and health care reform. And, although I do not care for a lot of the donations he has received, this Simmons guy will be worse.