MSNBC is one of the better 24 hour cable outlets, and that isn't saying much. For example: They carried Obama's townhall in its entirety on Tuesday, but as soon as it was over, the pundits expressed their disappointment and disbelief at the civility of the questions and immediately questioned whether the questioners were hand-picked. They then decided that covering Claire McCaskill's event was so much more entertaining because it was unruly and chaotic.
For the rest of the afternoon - and I kept watching - MSNBC uttered nary a word about Obama's event (other than the gun-toting loser, of course. He even got a platform on Hardball later) but continuously ran clips of McCaskill's, and other townhall disasters, discussing the protesters and their anger.
There have been a great number of successful, informative, and polite townhalls, as listed in this
Unfortunately, until the MSM decides to cover those as well, and have honest discussions about the real contents of the bills, the viewers will come away with the impression that the Dems are losing the battle, and that the protesters have legitimate concerns based on facts.
The Democrats and other proponents of HCR can list the basic reform points in the simplest terms possible until they're blue in the face, but unless they are being covered by the media, who will listen?