Edited on Sun Aug-30-09 11:13 AM by TayTay
and so it is in Massachusetts. Teddy had his detractors here as well. There was a lot of trouble brewing for Teddy in the early 1990's. That re-election fight with Mitt Romney was serious and it was a real challenge for Teddy to muster the forces to prevail in that race. There was a fatigue factor with Teddy and a deep desire that he quit his wanton ways and settle down.
I thought Sen. Kerry had a quite exceptional interview on MTP this morning. He specifically grappled with Teddy's humanity in that story about Teddy being afraid for his own safety in those early days. That took a very long time to work through, it was a part of Teddy's history, what built him as a person. He was, in a sense, lost for a part of his way in life. The Commonwealth and it's citizens got to see him find his way, we saw his re dedication to his causes and to living itself. The affection for Teddy is an affection for that Prodigal Son who comes home, who comes to himself, who is redeemed. (MA, home of the Red Sox, loves a good redemption story, btw.) That made him human and reachable. His achievements made him great, his humanity, his frailties made him loved. We knew him because we know ourselves and we so deeply pray that the faults within us are also forgiven and redeemed.
Massachusetts has seen a different side of John Kerry this weekend. This Senator showed us his grief, his heartfelt grief at the loss of his colleague. This stoic, brave man who takes pain within and bears it stoically, broke a bit. Not all, not in some hideously fake way, but he broke a bit and his heart and his pain and his love for another was exposed. That cannot be faked or exploited or used in some campaign. That was a genuine look inside a complicated man. We saw that he grieved as we grieved. I cannot for the life of me think that this will not connect him more to his voters. That is not political, it is personal. It is ever so human, this taking of the bitter with the sweet as the mix of life.
No one wants a weepy, sentimental, fake-y person advocating for them. We don't want John Kerry to become some counselor surrogate on an Oprah style show. That's not who that man is and we know that. We stone cold know that. But it is okay to see these amazing glimpses, these "Kerry moments." My mother used the phrase, "still waters run deep" to describe people who are calm on the outside and deeply passionate and moving on the inside. The occasional look inside those seemingly still waters is okay. They do indeed run deep, methinks.
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!'” -- Robert Browning.
One more Robert Browning quote, this one was actually my "quote" from my high school yearbook, "“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?”" For Teddy. And now, for John.