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Hearing on International violence against women in SFRC last week

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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-04-09 07:57 PM
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Hearing on International violence against women in SFRC last week
Edited on Sun Oct-04-09 08:17 PM by karynnj
This is an amazing hearing. Kerry will be introducing legislation on international violence against women (as it relates to our international efforts.) With many things disappointing some, this is an excellent case of the Obama administration, especially the President and Secretary Clinton and the SFRC.

I tried to explain this and give the links on this post - .

(Senator Kauffman makes a statement praising the "chairman" for his being in the forefront on moral issues.)
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Luftmensch067 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-05-09 07:23 AM
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1. I've only seen the beginning of this so far
But I was as blown away as you were. We hear so much in the MSM (and in the blogosphere, alas!) about what the Obama administration is NOT accomplishing, but every now and then you get a sudden, clear picture of just how much they are quietly and efficiently doing to change things, and this was one of those opportunities. Hearing Boxer say that she hasn't seen this kind of progress in years just brought it all home to me. I also recently heard a news pundit on NPR say that the money the administration is pouring into education is really having a great effect. Not something you hear about every day, but things are getting better in some areas!
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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-05-09 07:55 AM
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2. I was blown away watching the hearing
Edited on Mon Oct-05-09 08:07 AM by karynnj
It was great hearing Boxer's and Kaufman's very obviously sincere praise of Senator Kerry on this. What amazes me was knowing that, before this hearing, he held a very detailed, impressive hearing - the third in his series to test the Afghanistan assumptions - on the potential impact on Pakistan of various eventualities in Afghanistan and that he had to leave for a meeting he was chairing with the President of Somalia. This all in the day following his and Boxer's introduction of the global climate change bill. Not to mention there were intensive Finance committee hearings where Kerry was awesome the day before that in his clear direct comments on the public option. He is incredible and clearly has a great SFRC staff.

There are so many huge broad picture issues that the Obama administration is dealing with, but this is a quiet, efficient effort that may lead to quiet, but real, positive change.

This is a wonderful example of Obama/Clinton/Kerry al being on the same page and working together - and Lugar, from comments made is in support as well. (He submitted a statement as he couldn't be there). This is the point I tried to make in my GD-P post.
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