simply saying it was a cap and trade bill, where that was only part of it. Pushed, he spoke of pollution reducing, which really is a better description of the overall goal. The problem is that - as could be seen by the supposedly clever Republicans - cap and trade is an AWFUL tag phrase for the bill. I assume that Kerry and Boxer could ask interns or staffers or waste money hiring ad men to come up with a clever phrase, but Kerry's "pollution reducing" start is likely the right approach to get to the heart of it.
As to his attack on the bill, he is an idiot. The fact is that if you went from no cost for carbon to a tax on 100% of carbon produced, you would be doing what the Republicans are accusing them of doing - taxing all industries, possibly out of existence. The plan does put a tax on carbon and encourages companies to reduce it. Jon Steward's lack of understanding on this is the chief problem.
He clearly is not a Kerry fan, but there are likely few politicians he does like. With Kerry, it is likely that Kerry is genuinely a very serious person, who cares very deeply for the things he believes in. I'm not implying that Steward doesn't believe in things - he does and he is liberal, but there are few things where he goes beneath the surface or would value to much to give up a funny joke. I actually had more problems with this - Now, this is as standard a Senate picture after a swearing in as any and the "contest" is an obnoxious invitation to idiotic and in some cases homophobic comments.