THe NYT is officially schizophrenic on what Senator Kerry said. (Someone needs to explain that the logic here does not work. )
My letter to the author and to the editor:
The title on your article on Senator Kerry's comments on Afghanistan distorts them. What he said was that he thought it would be irresponsible to order the surge with the current state of the government. I agree that does not preclude him supporting the surge if that changed, but there was no Kerry quote that says this. Instead, it seems the NYT wanted a eye catching title, as Kerry has been among the most skeptical Senators on the surge.
The fact is there are two other NYT articles this weekend that have adressed Kerry's position. One quoted him speaking very positively of his friend, VP Biden's position. The other dealt with exactly the interview you reported on - and their take was the opposite. Here is what it said:
Kerry’s Word: Senator John Kerry, one of the Western officials working damage control in Kabul, said it would be irresponsible for the United States to consider sending additional troops Afghanistan. With the election results still pending amid allegations of fraud and President Obama facing contradictory recommendations from his cabinet on how to proceed in the region, Mr. Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said a decision must wait in taped remarks to be broadcast on CNN’s “State of the Union” this morning.
In a separate interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation” today, Mr. Kerry directly addressed the conundrum facing President Obama, lending his voice to the Democratic discord.
“I don’t see how President Obama can make a decision about the committing of our additional forces or even the further fulfillment of our mission that’s here today without an adequate government in place or knowledge about what that government’s going to be,” he said. CBS comment actually questioned not just the surge, but the current mission. It is hard to believe that both of you are writing about the same two interviews. I hope this will not be the headline in tommorow's print edition.