I found this in an old DU archive:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=103x74139But you can still read the original op-ed:
http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/18/opinion/18kristof.htmlThis is why the Swift Boat attacks "worked". Because the SCLM indulged those liars. They allowed them to "muddy the waters", and often pitched in doing so.
A War Hero or a Phony?
Published: September 18, 2004
Each time that I've written about President Bush's dalliance with the National Guard, conservative readers have urged me to scrutinize the accusations against Mr. Kerry. After doing so over the last week, here's where I come out:
Did Mr. Kerry volunteer for dangerous duty? Not as much as his campaign would like you to believe. The Kerry Web site declares, "As he was graduating from Yale, John Kerry volunteered to serve in Vietnam - because, as he later said, 'It was the right thing to do.' "
Then he goes through the medals, and throws the SBVT a bone or two about the purple hearts. Then he concludes this way:
Did Mr. Kerry exaggerate his exploits? Yes. For example, he has often said over the years that he spent Christmas 1968 in Cambodia as part of the secret war there. Others who served with him confirm that on Christmas Eve 1968 (not Christmas Day) he got very close to the border, and possibly even strayed across it. But it doesn't seem to have been, as Mr. Kerry has suggested, a deliberate incursion into Cambodia.
What do those who served with him say? Some who served on other boats have called Mr. Kerry a hypochondriac self-promoter. But every enlisted man who was with Mr. Kerry on various boats when he won Purple Hearts and Silver and Bronze Stars says he deserved them. All praise his courage and back his candidacy. "I was there for two of the Purple Hearts and the Bronze and Silver Stars, and he earned every one of them," said Delbert Sandusky, in a typical comment. "He saved our lives."
The bottom line? Mr. Kerry has stretched the truth here and there, but earned his decorations. And the Swift Boat Veterans, contradicted by official records and virtually everyone who witnessed the incidents, are engaging in one of the ugliest smears in modern U.S. politics.
I am sorry, but by September, all the facts were out. The SBVT were proven to be liars. The "fighting back" had happened. And yet, we get this crappy op-ed that is basically game, set, match to the Swiftboaters (they didn't need to have everyone believe all their lies; just cast a shadow of a doubt & make people think Kerry was exaggerating things). By a so-called liberal writer.
I had never read this op-ed before. It's really worse than John O'Neill. Because unlike Mr. O'Neill, Nicholas Kristoff should have known better. Very dishonorable column.