I think the question to Siegel is how does one undermine something that it is already, for all intents and purposes dead. As you say, Boxer likely is on board with what Kerry has done - in fact, even in the first discussion of parallel paths, it was mentioned that after she got the measure out of committee, she would join him in the outreach to Senators not on the committee. I still remember their wonderful coordination in countering one of Inhofe's Senate floor harangues -
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=273&topic_id=157980I did notice that both Sigel and Miller recommended my post on Miller's diary that blamed Kerry, where I wrote
Kerry does not set the time schedule, Reid does (10+ / 0-)
Recommended by:
askew, RunawayRose, A Siegel, Indie Liberal, B Amer, beach babe in fl, Populista, RadioGirl, mieprowan, RLMiller
In September, Reid was saying that climate change would not be done this year. Then Kerry seemed to have moved things forward with the op-ed he and Graham had.
The real problem seems to me to be that Baucus wasted a huge amount of time, accomplishing nothing with his gang of six, on the the healthcare bill. As that slips, the remaining time has disappeared.
The Climate bill needs to past 3 hostile committees, headed by Baucus, Lincoln, and Rockefeller. Then be merged.
Reid likely sees the financial reform bill as a less controversial bill that will pass - that I think only had to go through Dodd's committee.
This really stinks, but the reality of the difficulty may be why Kerry simultaneously had a plan B, the work with Graham and Lieberman to find a plan that can get 60 votes.
Kerry's passion, and knowledge and skill was abundantly evident in the unbalanced Finance committee hearings where he very capably countered both denier witnesses.
(here is a link to his exchange with Green -
http://climateprogress.org/2009/11/10/kenneth-green-american-enterprise-institute-aei )
http://www.dailykos.com/comments/2009/11/11/204831/21/36#c36Now, they may have just reccomended it for the link I took from your DU post, but it might be they at least thought it wasn't completely wrong. The odd thing is the amount of power they think Kerry has.