How dare she attack a decorated war hero who literally risked his life for his country this way, WILLFULLY disregarding the full and actual context of the actual quote to make her little (and very worn...you could find this very same thing on most any Freeper thread about him) "point"? :grr: How unprofessional! And I'm sorry, but until she gives even half the service to this country (not only militarily , but in terms of public service...I'm sorry, but the man has served multiple terms and was very, very nearly elected President and is a very imporant statesman and essentially a diplomat; she quit in the middle of her first term), she's not even nearly in the same league as he is, not even fit to fill his baby shoes! :thumbsdown: She wants to talk about respect for military service? Well, Ms. Sarah, what about the fact that he was over there putting his life on the line for his country and the men on that boat while you were still in Kindergarten? Oh wait, I forgot..you only ever get credit for that if you are a Republican. :eyes: I have to say, though I always kinda got this vibe about her, I'm still rather taken aback at just how nasty and petty she's being with this book. I've never seen another political figure, Democrat, Republican, or otherwise personally attack other politicians, campaign workers, etc in their memoirs like she has. I'm sorry, but she does herself absolutely no favors with this and only serves to further prove her critics' points about her. I mean, it's bad enough she called him an "elitist" (that's honestly so worn out of a label that it's like "whatever.."), but a "loon"? SO personally ugly, not to mention astonishingly unprofessional and direspectful. :mad: Plus she doesn't even include an index in her book. Seems like a cop out to me, considering all the name dropping she does within it..
The more she pulls stuff like this, the more she marginalizes herself. I frankly think she makes a lot of her own enemies...
That said, I look forward to seeing her being utterly trounced (again) in '12. :evilgrin: