Why John Kerry will Save the World . .. title is a teaser, on table of ocntents page (page 8 for those with access to hard copy) , to highlight short article on JK in the Dec 2009 issue of
Boston Magazinehttp://www.bostonmagazine.com/articles/forecast_december/page2Color photo, with glasses :), at the url
Text follows below
Senator John Kerry's evolution into a field agent for the Obama administration may not be surprising—after all, the two have been tight ever since Kerry invited Obama to give the keynote at the Democratic convention in 2004, launching the latter's national career—but the results have been a marvel to behold. It was to much fanfare that Kerry managed to broker a last-second deal with Afghan President Hamid Karzai to add legitimacy to elections in that country. Kerry also played mediator in disputes over Honduras and Syria—the sort of chore usually picked up by cabinet members.
Today, as the United Nations opens a much-ballyhooed conference on climate change, expect our senior senator's star to shine even brighter. Already his efforts in pushing a climate-change bill have revealed him as an adept negotiator, able to coax Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (at considerable political risk) to coauthor a New York Times op-ed on the national security dangers of global warming. And now, as Kerry leads the U.S. delegation to the Copenhagen conference, look for him to muster those same skills to persuade the Chinese to adopt eco-friendly reforms. He's got a shot at negotiating something of a replacement agreement for the Kyoto Protocol—an environmental breakthrough that would go a long way toward reviving a popular political legacy that might otherwise have been left for dead in Ohio back in 2004.