The first time I ever saw John Kerry speak in person, was in September 2005, soon after Katrina and after he made the trip to Iraq that led to his "Path Forward" speech the next month. He was there visited 5 NJ towns trying to get volunteers to support Corzine. In my Republican county, he got 500 plus people to leave their names, numbers, and email with the county Democrats. An amusing story is that he scared away the College Republicans - without even knowing it.
It was a hot day, and one woman who had arrived early, nearly fainted before John Kerry, who arrived late, started to speak. She was taken am EMT ambulance that was there in case it were needed. When Kerry arrived, the woman asked one of the EMT person if he could take her camera and get a photo. He joked he would get the Senator. The other EMTs then told her that would be very unlikely as he would have to walk through the entire crowd to do so - and that would never happen. Well, Kerry hearing of the woman, offered to go to the ambulance rather than just having his photo taken. As he strode purposely in the direction of the ambulance, the College Republicans with anti-Corzine and anti-Kerry signs were at the edge of the crowd, near the ambulance. Seeing the Senator approach and fearing that he would debate them or something - they RAN to far end of the parking lot behind the restaurant where the speech occured in an outside patio area.
Here is my best photo:
The first time I ever saw John Kerry speak in person, was in September 2005, soon after Katrina and after he made the trip to Iraq that led to his "Path Forward" speech the next month. He was there visited 5 NJ towns trying to get volunteers to support Corzine. In my Republican county, he got 500 plus people to leave their names, numbers, and email with the county Democrats. An amusing story is that he scared away the College Republicans - without even knowing it.
It was a hot day, and one woman who had arrived early, nearly fainted before John Kerry, who arrived late, started to speak. She was taken am EMT ambulance that was there in case it were needed. When Kerry arrived, the woman asked one of the EMT person if he could take her camera and get a photo. He joked he would get the Senator. The other EMTs then told her that would be very unlikely as he would have to walk through the entire crowd to do so - and that would never happen. Well, Kerry hearing of the woman, offered to go to the ambulance rather than just having his photo taken. As he strode purposely in the direction of the ambulance, the College Republicans with anti-Corzine and anti-Kerry signs were at the edge of the crowd, near the ambulance. Seeing the Senator approach and fearing that he would debate them or something - they RAN to far end of the parking lot behind the restaurant where the speech occured in an outside patio area.
Here is my best photo:
Here is the link to the photos from the woman, who met Kerry in the ambulance, who said that he was very nice and made it easy for her to speak to him and that he had a great smile when she mentioned Teresa. (Note the look of the EMT guy)
Here is one of JK and THK (with Gary Hart off to the side) immediately after the Dissent speech in April 2006.
Here is another at a B&N booksigning for the paperback release of their book.