There's a fun story in today's Globe about abandoned subway tunnels in Boston. . . lest you think the right-wing trolls have it in only for JK, check out the comments to this completely apolitical story guys go out of their way to work Reagan, Obama, and "socialists" into every possible discussion.
Here is my favorite answer (typos, misspellings and all ), equally applicable to their other postings:
aapplepiebanana wrote:
what is wrong with you people?
is your world so pathetic that you are up first thing on a Saturday chomping at the bit to post something political on any article no matter what the subject?
took about 3 seconds before an article about subways had some kind of comment about Obama.
please get a life. seriously.
just because the globe allows public posting doesnt mean you need to sit by your computer and post completly irrelevant comments all internet terms your called a "troll".
12/26/2009 8:11 AM EST