From a blog called the "right side of Lowell" (Tay is this as the names suggests, Republican?)
Then Senator John Kerry held forth for the majority of the time, standing away from the podium and without his crutch (that is, the thing he uses to walk). He notes that political power on Capitol Hill is moving to the Southwest, as population grows in that area, but extols the local Democratic Party Representatives for helping to hold the line. He does note that to bring the economy back we need a local, state and federal partnership and the involvement of the tax paying public.
The Senator talked about the President meeting with the Republicans in the House yesterday and then talked about GOP intransigence. To save time, it is all the fault of Republicans, especially George W Bush, but also including Ronald Reagan. He also talked about being in a war we didn't need to be in (incontrovertible fact), but he didn't mention which one, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Philippines or some other place. (Jack Mitchell's favorite line from the meeting was from Senator Kerry: "'Bush borrowed money from the Chinese to give the rich a tax break.")
One of the points Senator Kerry made was that we need to change our energy policy and we need to include the "price" of having a carbon based economy. He noted that a couple of weeks ago he had had himself tested for heavy metals and his body was at 4 times the EPA upper limit. The Senator noted we need to push for US energy independence. Later, in the Q&A the question of energy came up and the Senator said that we would be dependent on current energy sources for 30 or 40 more years, but that we needed to be working on green energy and green energy jobs. When asked about fusion, he noted that he had recently talked to both the Secretary of Energy and the President's Science Advisor, both Nobel Prize Winners♥, and both said that fusion is still a long ways off (Blogger Comment: can't we have some sort of Manhattan Project for this?).
< snip and from a comment: >
When Kerry laid blame, he said something like, "it started under Reagan and continued until W." This was related specifically the the pillage by Wall St. and implicitly charged The Big Dawg, Clinton. Maybe you missed the velvet shiv Kerry issued.
(this same commenter suggested it would be better if Brown were there - but then suggested he could be seen as the "hollow teabagger cupie doll" he is - so, it might be that commenter is not on the right.)
Both accounts actually have great similarities and a lot of detail.