power struggle lurks beneath ‘what next?’ question in Senate
In the wake of health care reform passage, the question du jour seems to be: what next? The Senate doesn't have a ton of time before mid-term elections bring Silly Season (not that any season is free of silliness in the Senate). A number of issues are tapping on the glass. Next up is financial reform; after that, the top contenders seem to be immigration and climate, though the nebulous "focusing on the economy" is always hovering. (Because immigration and energy, like health care, have no economic impact.)
I don't know what Reid will choose. The CBO probably won't be finished scoring Kerry-Graham-Lieberman's bill for five or six weeks, which, depending on when they finally unveil it, could be late May or June. Hell, maybe financial regulation and immigration can both be done by then! Cause of how fast the Senate is.
Anyway, I think this what's-next talk is obscuring a more interesting and consequential dynamic. I'm talking about the tension between John Kerry and Jeff Bingaman over whether to pass a comprehensive bill or an "energy-only" bill. They're supposedly going to meet with Reid to fight it out today.
The very best outcome here would be for Reid to insist on a comprehensive bill and for Bingaman to a) sign on to the effort, and b) commit to substantially strengthening ACELA. But that's not necessarily likely. Bingaman doesn't trust that KGL can get through this year, and he doesn't want to see the bill he invested so much time and political capital in wither on the vine.
We'll see whether Kerry can do for Reid and Bingaman what Pelosi did for Obama and Reid on health care reform -- stiffen their resolve and keep their sights set high.
I think if Reid chooses Bingaman that it is a disaster; why do we want an energy bill? We've done that before with no improvement. But, OTOH, Republicans like McCain have made it clear that they will not cooperate on a climate bill, so it is questionable whether KGL has even a remote chance of passing. So bad news all around on climate change.